Movie 'Achtung, Fertig, Charlie!' (Ready, Steady, Charlie!)
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The Swiss answer to American Pie
In a Swiss church, Antonio Carrera is getting married to the pretty daughter of an Italian Mafioso, when army police officers march in and take him to the 15 week compulsory Swiss military training.
- a.k.a. Ready, steady, Charlie!
German (Deutsch)
Gerade in dem Moment, als Antonio Carrera seiner Braut das Ja-Wort geben will, tauchen zwei Militärpolizisten auf und führen ihn ab in die nächste Kaserne. Der Grund: Antonio ist seinem Marschbefehl nicht nachgekommen und jetzt ist erst einmal Drill angesagt. Doch der Rekrut wider Willen entwickelt schnell einen Plan, um hier wieder herauszukommen. Wenn Antonio nämlich die hübsche Tochter des cholerischen Kommandanten verführen könnte, dann stünde einer unehrenhaften Entlassung wohl sicher nichts mehr im Wege.
French (Français)
En habit et debout devant l'autel, le bel Antonio Carrera, d'origine italienne, attend sa fiancée. Mais, avant qu'il puisse jurer un amour éternel à la femme de sa vie, deux policiers pénètrent dans l'église et l'emmènent, tout en informant les invités stupéfaits qu'ils doivent le conduire immédiatement à la caserne, pour faire son école de recrues. Une fois arrivé, et toujours revêtu de son costume de mariage, Antonio n'a qu'une idée, rejoindre sa fiancée ! Lorsque la recrue Weber - seul confident d'Antonio - découvre que la recrue Bluntschi n'est autre que la fille illégitime du capitaine Reiker, il persuade alors son ami de mettre en oeuvre la seule solution possible, le plan B.
Part of Achtung, fertig Filmreihe
Achtung, Fertig, Charlie! (Ready, Steady, Charlie!) owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 55% · 25
In a Swiss church, Antonio Carrera is getting married to the pretty daughter of an Italian Mafioso, when army police officers march in and take him to the 15 week compulsory Swiss military training.
Achtung, fertig, WK (Ready, Steady, Ommm!) not owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 51% · 15
Alex and his girlfriend Anna have a problem: Anna couldn't be more pregnant, and neither can find an affordable flat. The only one who can help is Anna's father, Commander Reiker, a sweet but screwy military man who owns an empty house. Reiker, however, to whom the Swiss Army means everything, has problems of his own: how can Switzerland, nation of fabled warriors that even exports its troops to protect the Pope, maintain its fear-inspiring reputation with all the cost-cutting measures? The Army is being forced to save, to restructure, and to take itself seriously. To prevent his ramshackle troops from being axed, Reiker urgently needs help. And just about anyone will do. Like his future son-in-law Alex, the least capable man one could imagine. As a yoga teacher, house-husband and pacifist, Alex has what it takes to be discharged, not put in charge. The pact he concludes with Reiker will not only shake up the Swiss Army, but also Alex's relationship with Anna...
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Genres
- Comedy
- Romance
- Languages
- German (Deutsch)
- French (Français)
- Italian (Italiano)
- Origin Countries
- Production Countries
- Production Companies
Zodiac Pictures
- Release Dates
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 12
- Ratings
- TMDb 55% · 25 (more information on website)
- IMDb 51% · 1,209 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Antonio Carrera | Michael Koch |
Michelle Bluntschi | Melanie Winiger |
Laura Moretti | Mia Aegerter |
Franz Reiker | Marco Rima |
Weiss | Martin Rapold |
Paolo | Mike Müller |
Divisional General | Max Rüdlinger |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Mike Eschmann |
Writing | Writer | David Keller |
Michael Sauter |