Movie 'The Report'

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Truth matters

The story of Daniel Jones, lead investigator for the US Senate’s sweeping study into the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program, which was found to be brutal, immoral and ineffective. With the truth at stake, Jones battled tirelessly to make public what many in power sought to keep hidden.

Germany German (Deutsch)

In den USA greift die CIA nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September auf extreme Verhörtechniken zurück – als notwendig gerechtfertigt, sind sie in Wahrheit brutal, unmoralisch und ineffizient. Die CIA überschreitet dabei klar die Grenze zur Folter, um den Drahtziehern so um jeden Preis auf die Schliche zu kommen und weitere Anschläge zu verhindern, verliert dadurch jedoch ethische Fragen und fundamentale Grundsätze des Rechtsstaates vollkommen aus den Augen. Im Rahmen der Ermittlungen von Daniel Jones (Adam Driver) und Senatorin Dianne Feinstein (Annette Benning) sollen diese verurteilenswürdigen Methoden für die Bevölkerung ans Licht kommen, um sie so stoppen zu können. Doch noch bevor Jones und Feinstein irgendetwas von ihren Ergebnissen bekanntmachen können, legen die CIA und das Weiße Haus alles daran, ihre Arbeit zu erschweren und eine Veröffentlichung mit allen erdenklichen Mitteln zu verhindern…

France French (Français)

Un employé idéaliste du Sénat américain mène une enquête sur le programme de détention et d'interrogatoires fondé par la CIA à la suite des attentats du 11 septembre, et découvre jusqu'où l'agence est allée pour dissimuler un secret brutal au public américain.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La vera storia di Daniel Jones, colui che con le sue investigazioni ha portato alla luce quanto brutale, immorale e inefficace fosse il programma di detenzione e interrogatori messo a punto dalla Cia dopo gli attacchi terroristici dell'11 settembre 2001. Con la verità in gioco, Jones ha combattuto tenacemente per rendere pubblico ciò coloro che erano al potere cercavano di tenere nascosto.

Release Date
al qaeda
based on true story
central intelligence agency (cia)
non linear
political thriller
post 9/11
washington dc, usa
Arabic (العربية)
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
Margin of Error
United States of America Vice Studios
United States of America Topic Studios
Unbranded Pictures
Release Dates
United States of America Premiere Sundance Film Festival
Canada Theatrical (limited) 18A
Switzerland Digital 16
Germany Theatrical 12
Australia Theatrical M
United Kingdom Theatrical 15
United States of America Theatrical (limited) R
Italy Theatrical
Germany Digital 12 Amazon Prime Video
TMDb 70% · 1,037 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 52,846 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 82% (more information on website)
metacritic 66% (more information on website)


Daniel JonesAdam Driver
Dianne FeinsteinAnnette Bening
Denis McDonoughJon Hamm
AprilSarah Goldberg
Thomas EastmanMichael C. Hall
James MitchellDouglas Hodge
Ali SoufanFajer Al-Kaisi
John BrennanTed Levine
Caroline KrassJennifer Morrison
Raymond NathanTim Blake Nelson
Marcy MorrisLinda Powell
New York Times ReporterMatthew Rhys
Bruce JessenT. Ryder Smith
Cyrus CliffordCorey Stoll
BernadetteMaura Tierney
Cofer BlackIan Blackman
Senator Saxby ChamblissGuy Boyd
George TenetDominic Fumusa
Jose RodriguezCarlos Gómez
Scrubbed CIA OfficerBen McKenzie
Senator Mark UdallScott Shepherd
Senator Jay RockefellerVictor Slezak
Off Site Security GuardEvander Duck Jr.
Senate Intelligence Committee ClerkSandra Landers
Senator Sheldon WhitehouseJohn Rothman
Sean MurphyAlexander Chaplin
GretchenJoanne Tucker
John RizzoJoseph Siravo
JulianLucas Dixon
Abu ZubaydahZuhdi Boueri
Gary - CIA InterrogatorSean Dugan
John YooPun Bandhu
Yoked Up CIA OfficerJake Silbermann
Khaled Sheikh MohammedRatnesh Dubey
McDonough's SecretaryJulia K. Murney
CIA Officer FoxDaniel London
Clifford's SecretaryHope Blackstock
Candace AmesKate Beahan
Assistant to DCI BrennanApril Rogalski
Inspector General BuckleyJames Hindman
FBI Agent MillerAustin Michael Young
Feinstein InternWest Duchovny
Senator Martin HeinrichNoah Bean


ArtArt Department CoordinatorVictoria Robinson
Art DirectionMax Wixom
Assistant Art DirectorStephen Cowles
Assistant Set DecorationVon Chorbajian
Construction CoordinatorRon Petagna Sr.
Head CarpenterFrank Didio
LeadmanJustin Pineo
Production DesignEthan Tobman
Property MasterCathy Scorsese
Set DecorationRich Devine
Set DresserChristopher Archer
Christopher Ferraro
Camera"B" Camera OperatorJohan Heurlin Aidt
Best Boy GripBob Calandro
Director of PhotographyEigil Bryld
Dolly GripDaniel Beaman
Tony Arnaud
First Assistant "A" CameraAlex Worster
First Assistant "B" CameraHamilton Longyear
GripIgor Ibradzic
Mike Betzeg
Vanessa Alexis
Key GripLamont Crawford
Second Assistant "A" CameraSamantha Silver
Second Assistant "B" CameraKevin Howard Jr.
Steadicam OperatorAfton Grant
Still PhotographerAtsushi Nishijima
Costume & Make-UpAssistant Costume DesignerAmy Ritchings
Costume CoordinatorStevie Ondra
Costume DesignSusan Lyall
Hair Department HeadSuzy Mazzarese-Allison
Key CostumerJuly Rose White
Key Hair StylistErin Kennedy Lunsford
Key Makeup ArtistKirsten Sylvester
Makeup ArtistJoel Mendenhall
Mia Bauman
Makeup Department HeadMartha Melendez
Set CostumerJeremiah Fisher
Lisa Harlow-Powell
TailorSue Hamilton
Wardrobe SupervisorSebastian Jaramillo
CrewStunt CoordinatorJohn Cenatiempo
Stunt DriverAlex Anagnostidis
Christopher Mormando
StuntsDoug Montgomery
Freddy Esposito
Mike Guida
Nick LaRocca
Tony Repinski
Transportation CaptainCharles Spillane
Transportation Co-CaptainJoseph Scarpone
DirectingDirectorScott Z. Burns
First Assistant DirectorJ. Alex Finch
Script SupervisorThomas Johnston
Second Assistant DirectorNoreen R. Cheleden
EditingEditorGreg O'Bryant
First Assistant EditorKyle Falcon
LightingElectricianAndrea Cronin-Souza
Blaine Chou
GafferMichael Marzovilla
ProductionAssistant Production CoordinatorLéa Noelle Barnave
Associate ProducerAshley Peter
Hannah Mescon
Sara Miller
Background Casting DirectorGrant Wilfley
Melissa Braun
CastingAvy Kaufman
Casting AssociateLeeba Zakharov
Co-ProducerJennifer Semler
Executive ProducerLila Yacoub
Michael DiVerdi
Nancy Dubuc
Natalie Farrey
Shane Smith
Tj Rinomato
Vincent Landay
First Assistant AccountantDaniel Fellows
Location ManagerPaul Eskenazi
Payroll AccountantDonald Matturro
ProducerDanny Gabai
Eddy Moretti
Jennifer Fox
Kerry Orent
Michael Sugar
Scott Z. Burns
Steven Soderbergh
Production AccountantLinda H. Miller
Production CoordinatorPhilip A. Ramos
Production SecretaryNick Pizzino
Production SupervisorJoshua Huffman
Unit Production ManagerJamie Crowell
SoundADR SupervisorDeborah Wallach
Boom OperatorAlfredo Viteri
Dialogue EditorLuciano Vignola
Foley SupervisorRoland Vajs
Music EditorJamieson Shaw
John Carbonara
Music SupervisorAdam Schneider
Ricki Askin
Original Music ComposerDavid Wingo
Sound Effects EditorIsaac Derfel
Sound MixerDane Lonsdale
Sound Re-Recording MixerMartin Czembor
Ruy García
Supervising Sound EditorRuy García
Utility SoundDimitri Kouri
Visual EffectsSpecial Effects SupervisorConrad V. Brink Jr.