Movie 'The Report'
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Truth matters
The story of Daniel Jones, lead investigator for the US Senate’s sweeping study into the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program, which was found to be brutal, immoral and ineffective. With the truth at stake, Jones battled tirelessly to make public what many in power sought to keep hidden.
German (Deutsch)
In den USA greift die CIA nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September auf extreme Verhörtechniken zurück – als notwendig gerechtfertigt, sind sie in Wahrheit brutal, unmoralisch und ineffizient. Die CIA überschreitet dabei klar die Grenze zur Folter, um den Drahtziehern so um jeden Preis auf die Schliche zu kommen und weitere Anschläge zu verhindern, verliert dadurch jedoch ethische Fragen und fundamentale Grundsätze des Rechtsstaates vollkommen aus den Augen. Im Rahmen der Ermittlungen von Daniel Jones (Adam Driver) und Senatorin Dianne Feinstein (Annette Benning) sollen diese verurteilenswürdigen Methoden für die Bevölkerung ans Licht kommen, um sie so stoppen zu können. Doch noch bevor Jones und Feinstein irgendetwas von ihren Ergebnissen bekanntmachen können, legen die CIA und das Weiße Haus alles daran, ihre Arbeit zu erschweren und eine Veröffentlichung mit allen erdenklichen Mitteln zu verhindern…
French (Français)
Un employé idéaliste du Sénat américain mène une enquête sur le programme de détention et d'interrogatoires fondé par la CIA à la suite des attentats du 11 septembre, et découvre jusqu'où l'agence est allée pour dissimuler un secret brutal au public américain.
Italian (Italiano)
La vera storia di Daniel Jones, colui che con le sue investigazioni ha portato alla luce quanto brutale, immorale e inefficace fosse il programma di detenzione e interrogatori messo a punto dalla Cia dopo gli attacchi terroristici dell'11 settembre 2001. Con la verità in gioco, Jones ha combattuto tenacemente per rendere pubblico ciò coloro che erano al potere cercavano di tenere nascosto.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- 9/11
- al qaeda
- based on true story
- biography
- central intelligence agency (cia)
- investigation
- non linear
- political thriller
- post 9/11
- senate
- torture
- washington dc, usa
- waterboarding
- Genres
- Drama
- Languages
- English
- Arabic (العربية)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
- Margin of Error
Vice Studios
Topic Studios
- Unbranded Pictures
- Release Dates
Premiere Sundance Film Festival
Theatrical (limited) 18A
Digital 16
Theatrical 12
Theatrical M
Theatrical 15
Theatrical (limited) R
Digital 12 Amazon Prime Video
- Ratings
- TMDb 70% · 1,037 (more information on website)
- IMDb 72% · 52,846 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 82% (more information on website)
- metacritic 66% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Daniel Jones | Adam Driver |
Dianne Feinstein | Annette Bening |
Denis McDonough | Jon Hamm |
April | Sarah Goldberg |
Thomas Eastman | Michael C. Hall |
James Mitchell | Douglas Hodge |
Ali Soufan | Fajer Al-Kaisi |
John Brennan | Ted Levine |
Caroline Krass | Jennifer Morrison |
Raymond Nathan | Tim Blake Nelson |
Marcy Morris | Linda Powell |
New York Times Reporter | Matthew Rhys |
Bruce Jessen | T. Ryder Smith |
Cyrus Clifford | Corey Stoll |
Bernadette | Maura Tierney |
Cofer Black | Ian Blackman |
Senator Saxby Chambliss | Guy Boyd |
George Tenet | Dominic Fumusa |
Jose Rodriguez | Carlos Gómez |
Scrubbed CIA Officer | Ben McKenzie |
Senator Mark Udall | Scott Shepherd |
Senator Jay Rockefeller | Victor Slezak |
Off Site Security Guard | Evander Duck Jr. |
Senate Intelligence Committee Clerk | Sandra Landers |
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse | John Rothman |
Sean Murphy | Alexander Chaplin |
Gretchen | Joanne Tucker |
John Rizzo | Joseph Siravo |
Julian | Lucas Dixon |
Abu Zubaydah | Zuhdi Boueri |
Gary - CIA Interrogator | Sean Dugan |
John Yoo | Pun Bandhu |
Yoked Up CIA Officer | Jake Silbermann |
Khaled Sheikh Mohammed | Ratnesh Dubey |
McDonough's Secretary | Julia K. Murney |
CIA Officer Fox | Daniel London |
Clifford's Secretary | Hope Blackstock |
Candace Ames | Kate Beahan |
Assistant to DCI Brennan | April Rogalski |
Inspector General Buckley | James Hindman |
FBI Agent Miller | Austin Michael Young |
Feinstein Intern | West Duchovny |
Senator Martin Heinrich | Noah Bean |