Movie 'Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre'
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In this operation, everyone has a part to play.
Special agent Orson Fortune and his team of operatives recruit one of Hollywood's biggest movie stars to help them on an undercover mission when the sale of a deadly new weapons technology threatens to disrupt the world order.
- a.k.a. Five Eyes working title
- a.k.a. Operation Fortune
German (Deutsch)
Superspion Orson Fortune soll einen brisanten Waffendeal aufklären und den Verkauf einer neuen hochgefährlichen Technologie verhindern. Widerstrebend wird er dabei mit einigen der weltbesten Agenten auf Mission geschickt. Als Ablenkungsmanöver rekrutieren sie Hollywoods größten Filmstar Danny Francesco und begeben sich auf internationalen Undercover-Einsatz. Ihr Ziel: ein milliardenschwerer Waffenhändler, der hinter dem Deal steckt und das Schicksal der Welt in seinen Händen hält…
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Opération Fortune - Ruse de Guerre
L'agent spécial Orson Fortune et son équipe d'agents recrutent l'une des plus grandes stars de cinéma d'Hollywood pour les aider dans une mission d'infiltration lorsque la vente d'une nouvelle technologie d'armes mortelle menace de perturber l'ordre mondial.
Italian (Italiano)
La storia di un agente dell'MI6, reclutato da un'associazione mondiale di controspionaggio per cercare di sventare la vendita di una nuova arma letale, che minaccia di sovvertire l'ordine del pianeta. Affiancato contro i suoi desideri da un esperto in high-tech della CIA, parte per una missione in giro per il mondo per infiltrarsi nella cerchia di un trafficante d'armi miliardario.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- cannes, france
- espionage
- london, england
- madrid, spain
- martial arts
- secret agent
- shootout
- showdown
- spy
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United Kingdom
United States of America
- Production Companies
Toff Guy Films
AZ Celtic Films
- Release Dates
Digital R
French (Français): Theatrical 16
German (Deutsch): Theatrical 16
Theatrical 16
Theatrical M
Theatrical M
Italian (Italiano): Theatrical 16
Theatrical R
Digital R
French (Français): Digital Amazon
Digital 15 Prime Video
Italian (Italiano): Digital NOW
Italian (Italiano): TV Sky Cinema
Physical 16
French (Français): TV TP TF1
- Ratings
- TMDb 65% · 1,624 (more information on website)
- IMDb 63% · 97,633 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 51% (more information on website)
- metacritic 51% (more information on website)