Movie 'Down Periscope'
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A rusty sub. A rebel commander. A renegade crew. When destiny called, they should have hung up.
Maverick Navy Lieutenant Commander Tom Dodge will never be a textbook officer, but he's a brilliant seaman who's always wanted to command a nuclear submarine — he's been given one last chance to clean up his record. Unfortunately, Admiral Graham, his nemesis, would rather sink the fleet than give Dodge his own boat. So, Graham stacks the deck against him and assigns Dodge to the Stingray, a diesel-powered WW2 submarine that can barely keep afloat. To make matters worse, Dodge's crew is a collection of maladjusted, mistake-prone misfits. Then, he's tagged the "enemy" in a crucial war game, and ordered to take on the U.S. Navy's best.
German (Deutsch)
Was passiert, wenn ein vertrottelter U-Boot-Captain, eine noch dümmere Mannschaft und ein museumsreifer Kahn zusammentreffen? Diese explosive Mischung sorgt für das schrägste und abgefahrenste Abenteuer der Navy-Geschichte. Lt. Thomas Dodge, der die Intelligenz eines Rollmopses besitzt, erhält von Admiral Graham das Kommando über ein U-Boot, mit dem er wichtige US-Militärhäfen einnehmen soll, ohne dass die eigene Flotte es bemerkt. Dodge ahnt nicht, dass Graham diese Mission nur plant, um die Angriffe medienwirksam mit modernen Schiffen zu stoppen. Er erhält eine Crew, die aus den unfähigsten Marines besteht, die in der Navy herumdümpeln und sein Gefährt ähnelt einer verrosteten Sardinenbüchse. Somit sind alle Voraussetzungen erfüllt, diese Operation zur "Mission Rohrkrepierer" werden zu lassen.
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Touche Pas à Mon Périscope
Malgré l'opposition de l'amiral Graham, fondée sur ses états de services douteux, le commandant Dodge hérite du commandement du sous-marin USS Stingray... un véritable fer à repasser. Avec un équipage hétéroclite, il mène avec succès une première mission simulée, s'attirant la haine de Graham. La guerre est déclarée, pratiquement pour de vrai !
Italian (Italiano)
- a.k.a. Giù le mani dal periscopio
Il capitano di fregata Thomas Dodge sogna da una vita di poter, un giorno, assumere il comando di un sommergibile nucleare. Quando si presenta l'occasione e Dodge viene proposto per la promozione, alcuni grossi calibri dello Stato Maggiore impallidiscono inorriditi. Il capitano viene considerato dai suoi superiori un tipo stravagante e spericolato.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- band of misfits
- comedy of errors
- comradeship
- hijinks
- maverick
- misfit
- mutiny
- naval command
- navy admiral
- navy lieutenant
- navy officer
- nemesis
- nuclear submarine
- submarine
- u.s. navy
- war games
- Genres
- Comedy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
20th Century Fox
- Release Dates
Theatrical 12
Theatrical PG-13
Theatrical M
Theatrical 12
Physical PG-13 DVD
Digital PG-13 Amazon Prime
Digital VOD
Digital Disney+
- Ratings
- TMDb 63% · 465 (more information on website)
- IMDb 62% · 27,925 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 11% (more information on website)
- metacritic 39% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Lt. Commander Tom Dodge | Kelsey Grammer |
Lt. Emily Lake | Lauren Holly |
Lt. Marty Pascal | Rob Schneider |
Lt. Howard | Harry Dean Stanton |
Rear Admiral Yancy Graham | Bruce Dern |
Captain Knox | William H. Macy |
Admiral Winslow | Rip Torn |
Seaman Buckman | Ken Hudson Campbell |
Seaman Nitro | Toby Huss |
Planesman 1st Class Jefferson 'R.J.' Jackson | Duane Martin |
Seaman Stanley 'Spots' Sylvesterson | Jonathan Penner |
Engineman 1st Class Brad Stepanak | Bradford Tatum |
Seaman 2nd Class E.T. 'Sonar' Lovacelli | Harland Williams |
Orlando Radioman | James Martin Jr. |
Orlando Ensign | Jordan Marder |
Orlando XO | Matt Landers |
Orlando Sonarman | Joseph Latimore |
Stingray Radioman | Patton Oswalt |
Helmsman | Joe Soto |
Young Sailor | John Shepherd |
Trawler Captain | Pierrino Mascarino |
Fisherman | Dennis Fimple |
Fisherman | Ancel Cook |
Supportive Admiral | James Harper |
Admiral #2 | Rudy Hornish |
Admiral #3 | Tommy Terrell |
Secretary | Elliot Easton |
Orlando Young Sailor | Michael Connors |
Sailor #2 | Paul Tranghese |
Conn Tower Officer | Mitchell Danton |
Torpedo Man | Jackson Sleet |
Singing Waitress | Annie Talbot |
Singing Sailor | Eugene Daniel |
Singing Sailor | Bob Dini |
Singing Sailor | Andrew Christian English |
Singing Sailor | Steve Giralo |
Singing Sailor | Robert Grochau |
Singing Sailor | Jamie James |
Singing Sailor | Joseph Keawkalaya |
Singing Sailor | Todd Odom |
Selection Board Officer (uncredited) | Bruce Holman |
Sailor (uncredited) | Theodore Carl Soderberg |
Sailor's Wife (uncredited) | Gabrielle Wagner |
Village People Biker (uncredited) | Eric Anzalone |
Village People Indian (uncredited) | Felipe Rose |