The Walking Dead · Episode 5x3 'Four Walls and a Roof'

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Rick and the others find themselves pitted against a group of nasty people.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Vier Wände und ein Dach

Pater Gabriel wird von Rick und Sasha zur Rede gestellt und macht ein schockierendes Geständnis. Abraham drängt die Gruppe zur Weiterreise, doch Rick hat Bedenken.

France French (Français)

Quatre murs et un toit

Tandis que le Père Gabriel fait une surprenante confession, Abraham insiste pour mettre le cap sur Washington, mais Rick préfère attendre.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un tetto e quattro mura

Bob assiste con orrore mentre Gareth e i suoi mangiano la sua carne, ma poi in preda a risate isteriche gli confessa di essere stato morso e quindi presto la loro fine sarà segnata. Intanto Rick e gli altri si accorgono della scomparsa di Daryl, Carol e Bob e chiedono spiegazioni a Gabriel...

First Aired
TMDb 88% · 123 (more information on website)
IMDb 90% · 16,830 (more information on website)


Rick GrimesAndrew Lincoln
Maggie GreeneLauren Cohan
Daryl DixonNorman Reedus
Michonne HawthorneDanai Gurira
Glenn RheeSteven Yeun
Carol PeletierMelissa McBride
Carl GrimesChandler Riggs
Beth GreeneEmily Kinney
Abraham FordMichael Cudlitz
Tyreese WilliamsChad L. Coleman

Guest Stars

Rosita EspinosaChristian Serratos
Gabriel StokesSeth Gilliam
Eugene PorterJosh McDermitt
Tara ChamblerAlanna Masterson
Sasha WilliamsSonequa Martin-Green
AlbertBenjamin Papac
TheresaApril Billingsley
GregTravis Young
MikeChris Burns
GarethAndrew J. West
MartinChris Coy
Bob StookeyLawrence Gilliard Jr.


ArtAssistant Property MasterAdam Miller
DirectingDirectorJeffrey F. January