TV Show 'Elementary' 7 Seasons
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New Holmes. New Watson. New York.
A modern-day drama about a crime-solving duo that cracks the NYPD's most impossible cases. Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare - a sober companion, Dr. Watson.
- a.k.a. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
German (Deutsch)
Die US-Serie „Elementary“ ist eine moderne Fassung der Sherlock-Holmes-Geschichte. Jonny Lee Miller spielt einen modernen Sherlock Holmes, einen exzentrischen Engländer, der das Scotland Yard als Consultant unterstützt hat. Nachdem Holmes' Drogenprobleme Überhand nahmen, kam er nach New York City zu einer Entgiftungskur. Mittlerweile lebt Holmes in Brooklyn und arbeitet als Berater für das NYPD. Als jemand, der seine Bemühungen, drogenfrei zu bleiben, unterstützen soll, wurde ihm Joan Watson als sober buddy beigestellt. Die ehemalige Chirurgin verlor ihre Zulassung, nachdem einer ihrer Patienten auf dem OP-Tisch starb.
French (Français)
Une version moderne des aventures de Sherlock Holmes dans le New York contemporain. Renvoyé de Londres en raison de son addiction à l'alcool, Sherlock s'installe à Manhattan où son richissime paternel l'oblige à cohabiter avec son pire cauchemar : une personne sobre chargée de veiller sur lui. Ancienne chirurgienne promise à un bel avenir, Joan Watson a perdu un patient et sa licence trois ans plus tôt. Ce nouvel emploi est pour elle une nouvelle façon d'aider les autres, et surtout une pénitence qu'elle s'impose. Quand Sherlock devient consultant pour la police new-yorkaise, Watson n'a d'autre choix que suivre son irascible « client » lors de ses investigations. Très vite, ils réalisent l'un et l'autre les avantages que peut leur apporter un tel partenariat.
Italian (Italiano)
Dopo essere stato per anni consulente per Scotland Yard e dopo essere uscito da una clinica per disintossicarsi dall'alcool e dalle droghe, Sherlock Holmes si stabilisce a New York City dove accetta di collaborare con il New York City Police Department e risolvere diversi casi con l'aiuto della logica e del suo intuito, affiancato, sul malgrado, dell'ex chirurgo Joan Watson.
- Aired
- from
- to
- Status
- Ended
- Episode Runtimes
- Keywords
- detective
- investigation
- new york city
- police investigation
- recovering addict
- Genres
- Crime
- Drama
- Mystery
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Timberman/Beverly Productions
CBS Studios
- Networks
- Content Ratings / Classifications
- Ratings
- TMDb 76% · 1,668 (more information on website)
- IMDb 79% · 122,072 (more information on website)
Number | Overview | #Episodes | Air Date |
Season 1 | – | 24 | |
Season 2 | – | 24 | |
Season 3 | – | 24 | |
Season 4 | – | 24 | |
Season 5 | – | 24 | |
Season 6 | – | 21 | |
Season 7 | In season seven, Holmes and Watson’s new careers as consultants for Scotland Yard are disrupted by news that a member of their inner circle has been gravely wounded in the United States. As Holmes’ stateside legal trouble – the result of a confession to a murder he didn’t commit – threatens to keep them from returning to New York, their greatest foe to date, tech billionaire Odin Reichenbach, waits on the horizon to test their limits. | 13 |
Character | Person |
Sherlock Holmes | Jonny Lee Miller |
Joan Watson | Lucy Liu |
Marcus Bell | Jon Michael Hill |
Thomas Gregson | Aidan Quinn |
Created by
Person |
Robert Doherty |
Department | Job | Person |
Editing | Colorist | Tony D'Amore |