The Big Bang Theory · Episode 12x15 'The Donation Oscillation'

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Penny tries to seduce an abstaining Leonard to ruin his "donation" for her ex-boyfriend, Zack, and his wife, Marissa. Also, Wolowitz, Bernadette, Anu and Koothrappali turn Koothrappali's canceled bachelor party into a couple's trip.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das Zuchthengst-Dilemma

Penny versucht Leonard zu verführen, damit dieser nicht an Zack und seine Frau Marissa spendet. Wolowitz, Bernadette, Anu und Koothrappali verwandeln Koothrappalis abgebrochene Junggesellenparty zu einer Pärchenreise.

France French (Français)


Le père de Penny est de passage et apprend que Leonard va donner du sperme pour Zack et sa femme. Howard regrette de n'avoir pas pu annuler les réservations faites pour l'enterrement de vie de garçon de Raj, mais ils décident tout de même d'en profiter.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L'oscillazione della donazione

Per evitare che Leonard aiuti come promesso, nelle puntate precedenti, Zack e sua moglie Marissa, Penny tenta di sedurlo. Intanto Wolowitz, Bernadette, Anu e Raj trasformano la festa di addio al celibato di Koothrappali in un viaggio di coppia, dato che ormai il matrimonio è stato annullato.

First Aired
TMDb 68% · 33 (more information on website)
IMDb 74% · 2,538 (more information on website)


Leonard HofstadterJohnny Galecki
Sheldon CooperJim Parsons
PennyKaley Cuoco
Howard WolowitzSimon Helberg
Rajesh KoothrappaliKunal Nayyar
Bernadette RostenkowskiMelissa Rauch
Amy Farrah FowlerMayim Bialik

Guest Stars

Wyatt TellerKeith Carradine
NeilEric Nenninger
Zack JohnsonBrian Thomas Smith
AnuRati Gupta
Marissa JohnsonLindsey Kraft


DirectingDirectorMark Cendrowski