Modern Family · Episode 10x17 'The Wild'
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Mitch, Cam and Phil crash Jay’s annual hiking trip to find an elusive bald eagle after Gloria asks them to keep an eye on him. Meanwhile, Gloria, Alex, Claire and Haley get together to plan her baby shower.
German (Deutsch)
Mitchell, Cam und Phil begleiten Jay auf seiner jährlichen Wanderung. Gloria, Claire und Alex helfen indes Haley dabei, das Kinderzimmer für die Zwillinge herzurichten.
German (Deutsch)
Mitch, Cam und Phil stören Jay bei seinem jährlichen Wandertrip, denn Gloria hat die drei gebeten, auf ihn aufzupassen. Unterdessen planen Gloria, Alex, Claire und Haley ihre gemeinsame Babyparty.
German (Deutsch)
Mitchell, Cam und Phil begleiten Jay auf seiner jährlichen Wanderung. Gloria, Claire und Alex helfen indes Haley dabei, das Kinderzimmer für die Zwillinge herzurichten.
French (Français)
Phil , Cameron, Mitchell et Jay partent en randonnée forestière afin de surveiller un aigle chauve. Pendant ce temps, Claire, Alex et Gloria aident Haley à organiser sa future vie de famille.
Italian (Italiano)
Cam, Mitch e Phil vengono costretti da Gloria ad accompagnare Jay nella sua escursione annuale e i quattro hanno modo per confessare l'un l'altro le proprie paure; nel frattempo Gloria, Alex, Claire e Haley cercano di assemblare la culla per i gemelli in arrivo e, nel tentativo di aiutare il fattorino della pizza amico di Haley, superano le proprie paranoie.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 71% · 10 (more information on website)
- IMDb 71% · 1,509 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jay Pritchett | Ed O'Neill |
Gloria Delgado-Pritchett | Sofía Vergara |
Claire Dunphy | Julie Bowen |
Phil Dunphy | Ty Burrell |
Mitchell Pritchett | Jesse Tyler Ferguson |
Cameron Tucker | Eric Stonestreet |
Haley Dunphy | Sarah Hyland |
Alex Dunphy | Ariel Winter |
Luke Dunphy | Nolan Gould |
Manny Delgado | Rico Rodriguez |
Lily Tucker-Pritchett | Aubrey Anderson-Emmons |
Joe Pritchett | Jeremy Maguire |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Carl | Josh Brener |
Eduardo | Frankie A. Rodriguez |
Mia | Greta Jung |
Park Ranger | Bill Parks |
Sir Kenneth | Charles Janasz |
Wayne | Joshua Hoover |
Allison #1 | Anne Stedman |
Allison #2 | Antonia Jones |
Janine | Elizabeth Sandy |
Chip | Jack DePew |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | James R. Bagdonas |
Writing | Writer | Elaine Ko |