The Middle · Episode 1x19 'The Final Four'

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Mike's dream comes to fruition when Frankie's boss, Mr. Ehlert, offers him two tickets to the Final Four. Unfortunately, Frankie's uncle dies and the funeral is set for the same day, leaving the two in a battle and Frankie making Mike chose what life event is more important to him. Meanwhile, Sue gets Brick out of going to a birthday party by impersonating Frankie over the phone, but the plan hits a bump when Frankie needs to call and tell them that Brick cannot attend because of the funeral.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Final Four

Frankie zwingt Mike zur Entscheidung zwischen zwei wichtigen Ereignissen: sie zur Beerdigung ihres Onkels zu begleiten oder zum großen Halbfinalspiel zu gehen.

France French (Français)


Frankie apprend que son oncle Mac vient de décéder. L'enterrement est prévu pour samedi, contrariant les plans de Mike qui a des tickets pour la finale de basket le même jour. Brick est invité à un goûter d'anniversaire où il refuse de se rendre. Il demande à Sue de décommander en se faisant passer pour leur mère ; la jeune fille se sent affreusement coupable après ce mensonge...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Le semifinali

Il sogno di Mike si avvera quando il capo di Frankie gli offre due biglietti per le finali di Basket, purtroppo però lo stesso giorno è previsto il funerale dello zio di Frankie. Intanto Sue da una mano a Brick a partecipare a una festa.

First Aired
TMDb 64% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

Mr. EhlertBrian Doyle-Murray
Aunt GinnyFrances Bay
Aunt EdieJeanette Miller
Reverend HayverDierk Torsek
ParamedicPhillip Wilburn
AnesthesiologistMargarita Franco
SurgeonAdam Pilver


DirectingDirectorAlex Reid