The Middle · Episode 7x11 'The Rush'

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As Sue desires to join a sorority, Frankie feels useless when Brick decides to go shopping by himself. Axl helps Mike to use social media for his project.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Beginn der Selbstständigkeit

Sue nimmt in der Hoffnung auf soziale Akzeptanz am Aufnahmeritual in die Studentinnenverbindung des College teil, während Axl versucht, Mike in soziale Medien einzuführen.

France French (Français)

Les sororités

Sue fait de nouvelles connaissances en assistant à une réunion de sororité. Axl, de son côté, tente de convaincre Mike d'utiliser les réseaux sociaux pour la promotion de son business...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Una sorella per Sue

Poiché Sue desidera unirsi a una sorellanza, Frankie si sente inutile quando Brick decide di fare shopping da solo. Axl aiuta Mike a utilizzare i social media per il suo progetto.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

TroyJovan Armand
TrishTeagan Rose
GirlLeah M. Clark
Lexie BrooksDaniela Bobadilla
KristyStacy Barnhisel
JackieNicole Mangi
WhitneyPatty Guggenheim
Gamma Sorority GirlKatherine Neff


DirectingDirectorLee Shallat Chemel