TV Show 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation' 15 Seasons

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A Las Vegas team of forensic investigators are trained to solve criminal cases by scouring the crime scene, collecting irrefutable evidence and finding the missing pieces that solve the mystery.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. CSI: Las Vegas Location Title

Germany German (Deutsch)

CSI - Den Tätern auf der Spur

Gil Grissom und sein Team arbeiten für die Polizei von Las Vegas in der forensischen Abteilung. Sie finden und analysieren Spuren, die von den Tätern an ihren Tatorten zurückgelassen werden. Aus diesen Spuren können sie schließlich den Täter ermitteln, auch auf den ungeahntesten Wegen. Bis zum Schluss bleibt unklar, wer der Täter ist. Ist es der eifersüchtige Ehemann, der Sohn in Geldnöten oder doch der Gärtner? Zum Team gehören neben Grissom vier weitere Forensiker Chaterine Willows, Warrick Brown, Nick Stokes und Sarah Siddle, der Laborant Greg Sanders, Polizist Capt. Jim Brass und der Pathologe Dr. Al Robbins.

France French (Français)

Les Experts
  • a.k.a. CSI: Les Experts Titre français québécois

À Las Vegas, un groupe d'experts scientifiques de la police recueille des indices sur les scènes de crime pour résoudre des enquêtes complexes. Un temps conduite par Gil Grissom, un entomologiste qui garde toujours son sang-froid, l'équipe enchaîne les affaires délicates : meurtres sanglants, viols, disparitions, leur taux d'efficacité est impressionnant. D.B. Russell, qui prend la suite des opérations après le départ de Gil Grissom et l'intérim de Raymond Langston, tente de maintenir la réputation d'excellence du service.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

CSI: Scena del crimine

CSI: Scena del crimine (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation) è un telefilm prodotto dal network statunitense CBS le cui vicende ruotano attorno alle indagini della squadra della polizia scientifica di Las Vegas. Le indagini vengono svolte in maniera scientifica e razionale e la ricerca delle prove, con l'ausilio di tutti i mezzi offerti dalla tecnologia, è sempre l'obiettivo principale del team di investigatori. Visto il successo del telefilm sono stati creati ben due spin-off che vanno in onda contemporaneamente, CSI: Miami e CSI:NY.

Episode Runtimes
crime investigation
criminal investigation
gang solves mystery
las vegas
murder investigation
police procedural
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
Canada Alliance Atlantis
United States of America CBS Productions
United States of America CBS Studios
United States of America CBS
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 18
United States of America TV-14
Canada 14+
Australia MA15+
Australia MA 15+
Switzerland 16
Germany 16
Germany 12
Austria 16
France 16
TMDb 76% · 1,278 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 91,599 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 123
Season 223
Season 323
Season 423
Season 525
Season 624
Season 724
Season 817
Season 924
Season 10The CSI team unravels a string of complex murders while racing to identify a serial killer whose diabolical medical skills confound the experts.23
Season 11Despite injuries in the ranks, the CSI unit tackles a new slate of cases ranging from an urban shark attack to a deadly fugitive with a chilling agenda.22
Season 12With new supervisor D.B. Russell at the helm, the CSI team continues to use its advanced forensic methods to crack the most baffling cases.22
Season 13In the 13th season of this venerable crime drama, the CSI team of the Las Vegas Police continues to crack difficult and often bizarre criminal cases.22
Season 14Ted Danson and Elisabeth Shue lead an ensemble cast of criminals and crime-solvers in the 14th season of this police drama set in Las Vegas.22
Season 15In the long-running procedural's 15th season, the team faces a slew of challenges, including quarantines, car bombs and a jailhouse murder.18


D.B. RussellTed Danson
Nick StokesGeorge Eads
Sara SidleJorja Fox
Greg SandersEric Szmanda
Al RobbinsRobert David Hall
David HodgesWallace Langham
Henry AndrewsJon Wellner
Morgan BrodyElisabeth Harnois
Julie FinlayElisabeth Shue
David PhillipsDavid Berman

Created by


ArtSet DecorationAndi Brittan
Costume & Make-UpSpecial Effects Key Makeup ArtistClinton Wayne
ProductionExecutive ProducerAnthony E. Zuiker
Jerry Bruckheimer
William Petersen