Psych · Episode 4x12 'A Very Juliet Episode'
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In 2003, Juliet made a pact with her boyfriend Scott Seaver to meet up in seven years. After he fails to show up, Shawn finds him, and by extension endangers his life since he was a key witness against mobster JT Waring, who was convicted for the murder of a US Marshall. When Waring denies killing the Marshall, Shawn must prove him right in order to protect Scott.
German (Deutsch)
Juliet bittet Gus, ihr bei der Suche nach einem Ex-Freund zu suchen. Dabei kommt eine lange gehütetes Geheimnis zutage.
French (Français)
Juliet se rend à la gare pour retrouver Scott Seaver, une ancienne flamme du lycée. Ils avaient en effet prévu de se revoir sept ans après leur séparation. Constatant son absence, elle essaye de comprendre ce qui a pu le retenir...
Italian (Italiano)
Shawn si ritrova coinvolto in una situazione che ha a che vedere con l'ex-ragazzo di Juliet dei tempi del college, con un malfattore che potrebbe essere stato ingiustamente condannato, con la protezione dei testimoni e con un caso da tempo irrisolto.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 83% · 7 (more information on website)
- IMDb 81% · 895 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Shawn Spencer | James Roday Rodriguez |
Burton Guster | Dulé Hill |
Carlton Lassiter | Timothy Omundson |
Juliet O'Hara | Maggie Lawson |
Karen Vick | Kirsten Nelson |
Henry Spencer | Corbin Bernsen |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Buzz McNab | Sage Brocklebank |
J.T. Waring | Arnold Vosloo |
Computer Operator | Ricki Prosper |
Daniel Wayne | Craig Sheffer |
Scott Seaver | Josh Braaten |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Steve Franks |
Writing | Writer | Steve Franks |
Tim Meltreger |