Psych · Episode 7x6 'Cirque du Soul'

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After Gus is tasked with taking care of his girlfriend's son Maximus for the day, he jeopardizes their relationship when an innocent trip to the circus turns deadly.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Manege frei für den Mörder

Gus soll einen Tag lang auf Maximus, den Sohn seiner Freundin aufpassen. Dabei setzt er ihre Beziehung aufs Spiel, denn ein eigentlich harmloser Ausflug zum Zirkus endet tödlich.

France French (Français)

Quel cirque !

Lors de la répétition du spectacle d'un cirque, un acrobate meurt. Shawn et Gus mènent l'enquête. Mais leurs investigations mettent en péril la relation entre Gus et sa petite amie, Rachael...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il circo

Dopo che Gus è stato incaricato di prendersi cura del figlio della sua ragazza, Maximus, per un giorno, mette a rischio la loro relazione quando un'innocente gita al circo diventa mortale.

First Aired
TMDb 68% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Shawn SpencerJames Roday Rodriguez
Burton GusterDulé Hill
Carlton LassiterTimothy Omundson
Juliet O'HaraMaggie Lawson
Karen VickKirsten Nelson
Henry SpencerCorbin Bernsen

Guest Stars

RachaelParminder Nagra
MaximusMateen Devji
ZolaKirsten Zien
Ursula GibbsKaty Mixon
Jeffrey DukeJ. Douglas Stewart
HugoKarl T. Pazdernik
LeonardoToby Levins
RicoJosh Kalender
Marlowe ViccellioKristy Swanson
Woody StrodeKurt Fuller
DirectorMichael Brian
SageNinon Parent
FrancoiseSylvain Drolet


DirectingDirectorJennifer Lynch