NYPD Blue · Episode 12x3 'Great Balls of Ire'

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When a convicted rapist is found shot to death, his victims become suspects in the murder investigation; and Sipowicz searches for answers when a stranger targets Theo as he walks home from school.

France French (Français)

Vengeance du passé

Le fils du détective Sipowicz est kidnappé. Celui-ci doit pourtant continuer à faire son travail au commissariat du 15ème district et enquêter sur l'assassinat d'un malfaiteur.

First Aired
IMDb 84% · 95 (more information on website)


Andy SipowiczDennis Franz
John Clark Jr.Mark-Paul Gosselaar
Baldwin JonesHenry Simmons
John IrvinBill Brochtrup
Rita OrtizJacqueline Obradors
Thomas BaleCurrie Graham
Laura MurphyBonnie Somerville
Det. Greg MedavoyGordon Clapp