Alias · Episode 1x21 'Rendezvous'

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Will's life is about to change as he is sent to find the person responsible for leaking information to him about SD-6. Meanwhile, Sloane finds himself on the cusp of finally tracking down Khasinau when SD-6 captures "The Man's" right-hand man, Mr. Sark. Dixon becomes suspicious of Sydney's activities.

Germany German (Deutsch)

In Denpasar wird Sydney während ihrer Flucht verletzt. Agent Vaughn kann zwar gerade noch Schlimmeres verhinder, doch dabei verlieren sie Sark an SD-6. Der erhält von Sloane ein verlockendes Angebot: Wenn er sie zu Khasinau führt, erhält er seine Freiheit zurück.

France French (Français)


Dixon a compromis l'échange des diamants contre l'ampoule. Afin de répliquer, Vaughn lance une grenade dans la cour. Sydney tente de s'échapper et se blesse à l'épaule en se battant avec son coéquipier ...

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Jack vuole scoprire la talpa che ha passato informazioni a Will e così istruisce il giornalista. Sloane minaccia di dimettersi dopo che l'Alleanza ha deciso di uccidere sua moglie e così finisce per concludere un patto con Sark. A Parigi le strade di Will e Syd si incrociano. Il giornalista viene messo sotto custodia protettiva.

First Aired
TMDb 84% · 8 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Sydney BristowJennifer Garner
Michael VaughnMichael Vartan
Jack BristowVictor Garber
Arvin SloaneRon Rifkin
Marcus DixonCarl Lumbly
Marshall FlinkmanKevin Weisman
Francie CalfoMerrin Dungey
Will TippinBradley Cooper

Guest Stars

Julian SarkDavid Anders
Emily SloaneAmy Irving
Alain ChristopheJoseph Ruskin
Russian InterrogatorTom Waite


DirectingDirectorKen Olin