Alias · Episode 2x22 'The Telling'

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Sydney finally confronts her mother, who reveals her true motivation. Sloane, for his part, begins to execute his new grand plan and Will struggles to figure out who's behind his set-up.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Il Dire

In Stockholm können Sydney und Vaughn endlich Sark festnehmen. Der teilt ihnen sogleich bereitwillig Sloanes Aufenthaltsort mit: Mexico City. Dort hat Sloane hat in der Zwischenzeit Jack entführt. Die CIA kann ihn zwar befreien, doch der Schurke entkommt. Während Vaughn sich an seine Fersen heftet, jagt Sydney ihrer Mutter hinterher.

France French (Français)

Risque maximum

Irina envoie à Sydney l'ADN du double. Ce qui permet de laver Will de tout soupçon. Sloane, ayant réussi à voler les 24 pièces de Rambaldi appartenant à la CIA, s'apprête à construire grâce aux 47 pièces «l'arme» qui pourrait changer le monde comme le prédisait Rambaldi ...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il dire

Will indaga su Doren e scopre che si tratta di Francie. Sloane cattura Jack e lo informa che la macchina di Rambaldi è quasi pronta. Syd neutralizza la falsa Francie, subito dopo si risveglia in una strada di Hong Kong, dove Vaughn le annuncia che era stata data per morta, dispersa in azione da ormai due anni.

First Aired
TMDb 85% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Sydney BristowJennifer Garner
Michael VaughnMichael Vartan
Jack BristowVictor Garber
Arvin SloaneRon Rifkin
Marcus DixonCarl Lumbly
Marshall FlinkmanKevin Weisman
Irina DerevkoLena Olin
Francie CalfoMerrin Dungey
Will TippinBradley Cooper
Julian SarkDavid Anders

Guest Stars

KendallTerry O'Quinn
Frederick BrandonJonathan Banks
Carrie BowmanAmanda Foreman


DirectingDirectorJ.J. Abrams