Alias · Episode 4x21 'Search and Rescue'

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Rambaldi's catastrophic endgame begins to fall into place as a giant version of the Circumference/Mueller device is found floating over city in Russia, driving the citizens made. After a wounded Dixon reveals that Irina is alive, Sydney, Nadia, and Jack set off to find her. Irina had been captured, and then duplicated using Project Helix, in order to give the impression that she was dead. Sydney and Nadia discover Irina is being held inside a camp in Tikal, safely in the clutches of Elena's army. Irina had apparently been working to counter Elena's organization, the Covenant, and actually PREVENT the Rambaldi endgame. Irina tells of a page she destroyed, a page that was key to Rambaldi's endgame. Under torture, she finally broke and recreated it for Elena. After a short respite, the transport turns towards Russia, and Sydney, Vaughn, Jack, Nadia, and Irina parachute down, towards Elena, Sloane, the Circumference....and destiny.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Rambaldis Endphase beginnt: Ein roter Feuerball bewegt sich in Richtung Russland und führt dazu, dass die Bewohner der Städte verrückt werden. Dixon wird dabei verletzt, kann Sydney aber noch mitteilen, dass Irina noch lebt. Gemeinsam mit Jack und Nadia macht sich die Agentin auf, Irina zu suchen und herauszufinden, warum diese ihren eigenen Tod vorgetäuscht hat.

France French (Français)

En Scylla ...

Hospitalisé dans un état critique, Dixon confie à Sydney qu'il a vu sa mère retenue prisonnière par Sophia alias Elena Derevko. La jeune femme ne peut croire que sa mère soit en vie. Elle pense plutôt à un piège. Mais Jack semble déterminé à explorer toutes les pistes. L'une des pistes mène vers Lucien Nisard, un ancien du Covenant, identifié comme étant un des associés d'Elena. Quant à Nadia, elle apprend enfin la vérité sur l'assassinat de sa mère ...

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Dopo avere scoperto che Irina Derevko è ancora viva, Jack, Sydney e Nadia provano a rintracciarla allo scopo di mettere fine al piano mortale ordito da Elena mediante l'arma di Rambaldi. Un'intera città, in Unione Sovietica, cade preda della follia che ora potrebbe estendersi a tutto il mondo. Una squadra APO si reca sul posto per mettere fine al diabolico piano.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Sydney BristowJennifer Garner
Michael VaughnMichael Vartan
Jack BristowVictor Garber
Arvin SloaneRon Rifkin
Marcus DixonCarl Lumbly
Marshall FlinkmanKevin Weisman
Eric WeissGreg Grunberg

Guest Stars

Lucien NisardAndrew Divoff
Hayden ChaseAngela Bassett


DirectingDirectorLawrence Trilling