Alias · Episode 4x8 'Echoes'

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Sloane temporarily steps down as Director of his Task Force and gives Jack full authority over the next assignment, which involves Anna Espinosa, Sydney's old foe. However, Anna turns the tables on APO when she captures Nadia and forces Sydney to do her biddings. Sydney tells Nadia about the Rambaldi's prophecy which dictates that two sisters will fight and only one will survive. Meanwhile, Vaughn visits Sark and tries to trick him into helping them to catch Anna. In the end, one of the sisters is mortally wounded by Anna.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Sloane erteilt Jack kurzfristig alle Befugnisse für den nächsten Einsatz der APO. Darin spielt Sydneys alte Erzfeindin Anna Espinosa eine Hauptrolle. Doch die Auftragskillerin nimmt Nadia gefangen und erpresst damit Sydney. Indessen stattet Vaughn dem inhaftierten Sark einen Besuch ab. Er will ihn mit einer List dazu bringen, bei der Jagd nach Anna zu helfen.

France French (Français)

Face à face

Ancienne agent du K-Directorate, Anna Espinosa refait surface. APO a intercepté une communication révélant qu'elle doit retrouver un contact à Bruxelles. Alors que Sydney s'apprête à partir pour la Belgique pour l'appréhender, Anna kidnappe Nadia pour obliger sa rivale à suivre ses consignes ...

Italy Italian (Italiano)


La vita di Nadia è in pericolo. Sydney lotta per arrestare la sua nemesi Anna Espinosa. I demoni di Vaughn vengono in superficie quando l'uomo, per aiutare Sydney a salvare Nadia, incontra il suo mortale nemico: Sark. La squadra decide di far fuggire il criminale per scoprire l'ubicazione di un gruppo di terroristi che appartenevano alla Convenzione. Ma Sark ha riservato loro una sorpresa.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Sydney BristowJennifer Garner
Michael VaughnMichael Vartan
Jack BristowVictor Garber
Arvin SloaneRon Rifkin
Marcus DixonCarl Lumbly
Marshall FlinkmanKevin Weisman
Eric WeissGreg Grunberg

Guest Stars

Julian SarkDavid Anders
Anna EspinosaGina Torres
Desk ClerkDarrel Guilbeau