TV Show 'The IT Crowd' 4 Seasons

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Two I.T. nerds and their clueless female manager, who work in the basement of a very successful company. When they are called on for help, they are never treated with any respect at all.

Switzerland German (Deutsch)

Zwei skurrile IT-Angestellte und ihre unbedarfte Chefin sind im muffigen Keller eines angesagten Londoner Unternehmens den Launen ihrer überheblichen Vorgesetzten ausgeliefert.

Germany German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. The IT Crowd

Schauplatz der Serie sind die Büros von Reynholm Industries, einem fiktiven britischen Unternehmen mit Sitz in der Londoner Innenstadt. Was das Unternehmen genau macht, wird nie erwähnt. Das dreiköpfige IT-Team, dessen Büro im dunklen, dreckigen Keller des Firmengebäudes liegt, steht im Mittelpunkt der Handlung. Deren Büroräume bilden einen starken Kontrast zur ansonsten betont modernen Architektur des Gebäudes und der beeindruckenden Aussicht aus dem Gebäude über London. In den Räumen des IT-Teams befinden sich etliche nostalgische Gegenstände aus der Computer-, Comic- und Fernsehwelt.

Austria German (Deutsch)

Zwei skurrile IT-Angestellte und ihre unbedarfte Chefin sind im muffigen Keller eines angesagten Londoner Unternehmens den Launen ihrer überheblichen Vorgesetzten ausgeliefert.

France French (Français)

Roy et Moss travaillent au service informatique de la société Reynholm Industries, grande et obscure entreprise londonienne. Relégués dans le sous-sol du bâtiment, leur vie va être chamboulée par l'arrivé de leur nouvelle responsable, Jen, qui ne connaît manifestement rien à l'informatique.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Commedia UK su due nerd informatici e la loro manager incapace che lavorano nel seminterrato di un'azienda di grande successo. Quando vengono chiamati per un aiuto, non vengono mai trattati con rispetto.

Episode Runtimes
computer nerd
information technology
workplace comedy
Origin Countries
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Production Countries
flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom
Production Companies
United Kingdom Talkback Thames
United Kingdom Channel 4 Television
United Kingdom Channel 4
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-14
Australia M
Switzerland 12
Germany 12
Austria 12
France NR
Italy VM12
TMDb 81% · 1,329 (more information on website)
IMDb 85% · 166,805 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 1In season one, Roy and Moss toil in the squalid basement of a huge company, fielding IT help-desk calls. Roy has a lousy attitude coupled with an eye for the ladies, while Moss is dressed by his mother and has an aerosol can of water clipped to his belt with which to spray his ear when it gets hot. Into their life of users, pizza, science fiction and firewalls comes middle manager Jen, a punky can-do career gal who doesn't know one end of laptop from the other.6
Season 2In the second series, team cohesion in IT at Reynholm Industries is running at capacity, largely thanks to work outings, dinner parties and the manipulation of cannibals in order to watch pirate DVDs.6
Season 3For Moss, Roy and Jen, social networks and problems with naked calendars are welcome distractions from important duties, like protecting a certain little black box that's also known as 'the internet'.6
Season 4As Moss wins big on a quiz show and Roy frets about his reputation, Jen seeks a new job. Douglas' behavior continues to put the company in jeopardy.6


Roy TrennemanChris O'Dowd
Maurice MossRichard Ayoade
Jen BarberKatherine Parkinson
Douglas ReynholmMatt Berry

Created by


ProductionExecutive ProducerAsh Atalla
ProducerDerrin Schlesinger
Jamie Glazebrook
Richard Boden