Rizzoli & Isles · Episode 2x15 'Burning Down the House'

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When a warehouse fire kills a firefighter, Jane and Maura must investigate whether it was arson or an accident. But the investigation hits a snag when a hit-and-run leaves someone in the hospital. Guest star Billy Burke returns as FBI Agent Gabriel Dean, who hopes to rekindle his relationship with Jane. And guest star Jacqueline Bissett reprises her role as Maura’s mother, Constance Isles.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Unfall oder Brandstiftung? Und FBI-Agent Gabriel Dean möchte seine Beziehung mit Jane wiederaufnehmen.

France French (Français)

À feu et à cran

La police enquête sur la mort d'un pompier, décédé alors qu'il intervenait sur un sinistre : le feu a très bien pu être allumé intentionnellement par un criminel...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Bruciando la casa

Jane e Maura indagano su un piromane che potrebbe essere la causa della morte di un vigile del fuoco rimasto ucciso durante un incendio. Il caso viene ulteriormente complicato da un incidente d'auto. L'agente dell'FBI Gabriel Dean ritorna cercando di riprendere la relazione con Jane.

First Aired
TMDb 85% · 4 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 516 (more information on website)


Detective Jane RizzoliAngie Harmon
Dr. Maura IslesSasha Alexander
Frankie Rizzoli Jr.Jordan Bridges
Detective Barry FrostLee Thompson Young
Detective Vince KorsakBruce McGill
Angela RizzoliLorraine Bracco

Guest Stars

Susie ChangTina Huang
Sean CavanaughBrian Goodman
Gabriel DeanBilly Burke
Patrick 'Paddy' DoyleJohn Doman
Constance IslesJacqueline Bisset
Arnold WhistlerPeter Bogdanovich
Joe KobolsnikMichael Reilly Burke
Jim GrantNick Warnock
Christie WhistlerSarah Scott
ER DoctorErica Gimpel
Craig HillRomeo Brown
Kevin FlynnKevin Sizemore
DetectiveScott duPont


DirectingDirectorMichael Zinberg