Rizzoli & Isles · Episode 2x5 'Don't Hate the Player'

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Jane and Maura investigate after the coach of the Boston Pilgrims baseball team is found dead in the locker room. The death comes as a star player and the team owners battle for control of the team. Meanwhile, Jane's brother Tommy returns home after being released from jail.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Der Trainer eines Baseball-Teams wird tot aufgefunden, während die Eigner und ein Star-Spieler um die Kontrolle des Teams kämpfen. Janes Bruder Tommy wird aus der Haft entlassen.

France French (Français)

Tuer n'est pas jouer

Jane et Maura enquêtent après la découverte du corps sans vie du coach de l'équipe de baseball de Boston dans le vestiaire. Pendant ce temps, Tommy, le frère de Jane, rentre à la maison après un séjour en prison...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Morti sospette

Maura e Jane stanno indagando sulla morte di un allenatore di baseball. Tommy finalmente arriva a casa.

First Aired
TMDb 85% · 4 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 479 (more information on website)


Detective Jane RizzoliAngie Harmon
Dr. Maura IslesSasha Alexander
Frankie Rizzoli Jr.Jordan Bridges
Detective Barry FrostLee Thompson Young
Detective Vince KorsakBruce McGill
Angela RizzoliLorraine Bracco

Guest Stars

Sean CavanaughBrian Goodman
Tommy RizzoliColin Egglesfield
Manny VegaGerardo Celasco
Chief MerckKevin Chapman
Geena YoungElaine Hendrix
Jesse WadeTaylor Kinney
Jonathan McKennaCameron Monaghan
Phil YoungDavid Starzyk
Baseball PunditMel Fair
Townie GirlMeredith Giangrande
Crime Lab TechJames Huang
Delores JonesVirginia Montero
Baseball PunditTroy Winbush
Dr. LittleJim O'Heir
Walt (Boston Pilgrims' attorney)Tom Wright
Clark JacobsMarcus Brown
Baseball CoachCorey Weber


DirectingDirectorHolly Dale