TV Show 'Suits' 9 Seasons
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Two lawyers. One degree.
While running from a drug deal gone bad, Mike Ross, a brilliant young college-dropout, slips into a job interview with one of New York City's best legal closers, Harvey Specter. Tired of cookie-cutter law school grads, Harvey takes a gamble by hiring Mike on the spot after he recognizes his raw talent and photographic memory.
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. W garniturach
Harvey Specter, einer der Top-Anwälte Manhattans, engagiert für seine renommierte Kanzlei den brillanten, aber etwas unmotivierten College-Abgänger Mike Ross. Dabei müssen beide verheimlichen, dass Mike eigentlich gar nicht als Anwalt arbeiten darf …
French (Français)
Avocat très ambitieux d'une grosse firme de Manhattan, Harvey Specter a besoin de quelqu'un pour l'épauler. Son choix se porte sur Mike Ross, un jeune homme très brillant mais sans diplôme, doté d'un talent certain et d'une mémoire photographique très précieuse. Ensemble, ils forment une équipe gagnante, prête à relever tous les défis. Mike devra cependant user de toutes les ruses pour maintenir sa place sans que personne ne découvre qu'il n'a jamais passé l'examen du barreau.
Italian (Italiano)
Alla Pearson Hardman di New York c'è un nuovo socio, Harvey Specter, un brillante e giovane avvocato, cinico e deciso con una grande passione per la mondanità. La sua nomina a socio senior però lo costringe ad assumere un giovane associato, cosa che Harvey odia in quanto non adatto ai lavori di coppia. Un incontro fortuito però gli cambierà la vita, Harvey infatti incontra Mike Ross, un uomo che ha dovuto abbandonare il college e che guadagna la giornata in maniera piuttosto brillante. Harvey nota sin da subito le grandi qualità di Mike e lo presenta allo Studio senza precisare che Mike in realtà non è un vero avvocato.
- Aired
- from
- to
- Status
- Ended
- Episode Runtimes
- Keywords
- corporate law
- courtroom drama
- impostor
- law firm
- lawyer
- paralegal
- photographic memory
- Genres
- Drama
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Untitled Korsh Company
- Networks
USA Network
- Content Ratings / Classifications
- Ratings
- TMDb 82% · 5,225 (more information on website)
- IMDb 84% · 503,922 (more information on website)
Number | Overview | #Episodes | Air Date |
Specials | – | 76 | |
Season 1 | Manhattan attorney Harvey Specter finds the perfect associate in streetwise prodigy Mike Ross. The trouble is, Mike's a college dropout — not a lawyer. | 12 | |
Season 2 | As Harvey focuses on protecting Mike's position, Jessica deals with the fallout after the unexpected reappearance of her co-founding partner. | 16 | |
Season 3 | Skilled corporate lawyer Harvey Specter and his associate Mike Ross continue their unusual partnership in this season of the smart courtroom drama. | 16 | |
Season 4 | In Season 4, Harvey and Mike find themselves on opposite sides of a corporate takeover battle that draws attention from the government. | 16 | |
Season 5 | Harvey regroups in the wake of Donna's departure, Mike and Rachel edge closer to marriage, and Jessica continues to come to grips with her new life. | 16 | |
Season 6 | In the aftermath of the trial, Mike faces the realities of his situation while Jessica, Harvey and Louis grapple to contain the firm's vulnerability. | 16 | |
Season 7 | Now that Mike is officially recognized as a lawyer and has accepted Harvey’s offer to return to the firm, Season 7 will see the team back together again at Pearson Specter Litt - each dealing with their own struggles as they adjust to a new world order without Jessica . | 16 | |
Season 8 | In the wake of two emotional departures, Harvey and the rest of Specter Litt face an infusion of ambitious new blood and chart a daring new course. | 16 | |
Season 9 | As the firm chafes under intense new oversight, each partner faces a reckoning -- and Mike Ross returns to square off against his old mentor, Harvey. | 10 |
Character | Person |
Harvey Specter | Gabriel Macht |
Louis Litt | Rick Hoffman |
Donna Paulsen | Sarah Rafferty |
Katrina Bennett | Amanda Schull |
Alex Williams | Dulé Hill |
Samantha Wheeler | Katherine Heigl |
Created by
Person |
Aaron Korsh |
Department | Job | Person |
Camera | Director of Photography | William Klayer |
Production | Executive Producer | Aaron Korsh |