The X-Files · Episode 1x11 'Eve'

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When two fathers on opposite sides of the country are inexplicably murdered at the exact same time in the exact same way, Mulder and Scully are called in to investigate. When they discover that the two fathers' eight-year-old daughters are identical twins, they realize that something even stranger is going on.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mulder und Scully untersuchen einen rätselhaften Todesfall. Dem Opfer wurden 75 Prozent seines Blutes entnommen. Kurz darauf erfahren die Agenten von einem ähnlichen Todesfall in Kalifornien. Erstaunlich ist, dass sich die Töchter der beiden Opfer wie Zwillinge ähneln.

France French (Français)


Mulder et Scully enquêtent sur deux meurtres identiques situés à des milliers de kilomètres de distance. Le plus étrange est que les petites filles des deux hommes qui n'ont pourtant aucun lien de parenté, se ressemblent comme des sœurs jumelles.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Esperimenti genetici

Gli agenti speciali Scully e Mulder stanno investigando su un caso di omicidio e scoprono che esiste un'altra vittima, sulla costa opposta del Paese, che è stata uccisa nello stesso identico modo, nello stesso momento. Investigando sul secondo caso, scoprono che le due vittime avevano due figlie pressochè identiche. Innocenti orfanelle o clonazioni aliene? Forse la verità è ancora più inquietante...

First Aired
TMDb 79% · 70 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 6,937 (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson

Guest Stars

Dr. Sally Kendrick / Eve 6Harriet Sansom Harris
Cindy Reardon / Eve 10Erika Krievins
Teena Simmons / Eve 9Sabrina Krievins
Dr. KatzGeorge Touliatos
WaitressJanet Hodgkinson
Ellen ReardonTasha Simms
Donna WatkinsTina Gilbertson
Ted WatkinsDavid Kirby
Ms. WellsChristine Upright-Letain
Joe CrandallGordon Tipple
Dr. KeatsGarry Davey
Guard #1Joe Maffei
OfficerRobert Lewis
Guard #2Maria Herrera
Deep Throat - RonaldJerry Hardin


DirectingDirectorFred Gerber