The X-Files · Episode 1x15 'Lazarus'

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When FBI Agent Jack Willis and bank robber Warren Dupre are both shot at the same time during a robbery attempt, Dupre dies when Willis is brought back to life. When Willis rushes out of the hospital and begins acting strangely, Mulder concludes that Dupre has come back to life in Willis' body.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Scully hilft ihrem ehemaligen Lehrer Jack Willis bei der Festnahme eines Bankräuberduos. Es kommt zur Schießerei. Bankräuber Dupre und Willis werden erschossen. Im Krankenhaus gelingt es den Ärzten, Willis zu reanimieren. Doch der ist von da an völlig verändert.

France French (Français)


Dana Scully et son collègue du FBI, Jack Willis, ont été informés qu'un couple de braqueurs, Lula et Dupré, allaient commettre un nouveau hold-up dans une banque de Washington. Les deux agents se font passer pour des clients et attendent l'arrivée des truands. Mais l'opération tourne mal...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Ritorno all'aldilà

Durante una trappola concepita per catturare un rapinatore di banche, un agente dell'E.B.I., amico di Scully, viene ferito a morte dal rapinatore che a sua volta è colpito da Scully. I paramedici riescono a salvare l'agente, ma sembra che a tornare in vita non sia l'amico di Dana ma il criminale da lei ucciso...

First Aired
TMDb 69% · 59 (more information on website)
IMDb 70% · 5,103 (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson

Guest Stars

Agent Jack WillisChristopher Allport
DupreJason Schombing
Lula PhillipsCec Verrell
TommyCallum Keith Rennie
O'DellPeter Kelamis
Prof. VarnesJay Brazeau
Agent BruskinJackson Davies
Doctor #1Lisa Bunting
ReporterBrenda Crichlow
Doctor #2Mark Saunders


DirectingDirectorDavid Nutter