The X-Files · Episode 1x17 'E.B.E.'

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Mulder and Scully receive information from Deep Throat about a UFO that was shot down over Iraq and has been secretly transported to the US. However, Deep Throat then intentionally misleads the agents to prevent them from discovering the truth.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Mulder und Scully werden auf einen militärischen Schwertransport aufmerksam, der quer durch die USA fährt. An der Route des Transports kommt es zu zahlreichen UFO-Beobachtungen. Als Mulder ermitteln will, stößt er auf eine Mauer des Schweigens.

France French (Français)

Entité biologique extraterrestre

Mulder et Scully enquêtent sur un OVNI observé à Reagan, dans le Tennessee. Ils interrogent un conducteur de camion nommé Ranheim, qui déclare avoir tiré au fusil de chasse sur un objet mystérieux dans le ciel. Cependant, les déclarations de Ranheim varient...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Ospiti interplanetari

Un U.F.O. si schianta nello spazio aereo Iracheno, il suo pilota viene introdotto negli Stati Uniti. Mentre si trova a bordo di un camion nel Tennesse, viene assalito, provocando altri avvistamenti di U.F.O. Risucchiati dagli eventi Mulder e Scully si mettono sulle tracce del camion grazie all'aiuto e alla guida di Gola Profonda.

First Aired
TMDb 81% · 55 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson

Guest Stars

Chief RiversAllan Lysell
Ranheim / Frank DrucePeter LaCroix
Officer Green (uncredited)Roger Cross
Ticket Agent (uncredited)Ellie Harvie
Deep Throat - RonaldJerry Hardin
John Fitzgerald ByersBruce Harwood
Richard 'Ringo' LanglyDean Haglund
Melvin FrohikeTom Braidwood


DirectingDirectorWilliam A. Graham