The X-Files · Episode 9x4 '4-D'

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During a stakeout of murderer Irwin Lukesh, Doggett sees Reyes attacked by Lukesh, but then we see Reyes and Doggett in her apartment, apparently both fine. Elsewhere at the same time, Doggett is shot and Lukesh identifies Reyes as the shooter. While Reyes is asked for her badge and gun by A.D. Follmer, and Doggett lies in hospital near death, the conflicting circumstances of the stakeout and Doggett's shooting do not add up and it becomes clear that Lukesh possesses the power to switch between parallel universes and alter the events in each.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Als Agent John Doggett den mutmaßlichen Frauenmörder Lukesh observiert, wird er angeschossen und ist danach querschnittsgelähmt. Dubioserweise stammt die Patrone aus der Waffe von Doggetts Partnerin Monica Reyes, und auch Lukesh behauptet, die Agentin am Tatort gesehen zu haben. Doggett schließlich gibt an, Lukesh habe auf ihn geschossen und Monica Reyes die Kehle durchgeschnitten. Monica vermutet, dass Lukesh ein Wanderer zwischen den parallelen Welten ist.

France French (Français)

L'agent Dogget surveille le domicile d'Erwin Lukesh, un meurtrier psychopathe. L'individu est soupçonné de trancher la langue de ses victimes. Reyes sert d'appât devant la boîte aux lettres de Lukesh, celle de l'appartement 4-D. Mais Lukesh, repérant la police, s'engouffre dans la cage d'escalier. Reyes le poursuit avant d'être égorgée. Dogget parvient à appréhender l'assassin quand celui-ci disparaît brutalement...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un assassino minaccia la vita di Doggett e Reyes. Sembra essere un passo avanti a tutti. Dopo una serie di eventi che hanno condotto Reyes a fare fuoco su Doggett, diviene chiaro che l'omicida possiede l'abilità di saltare da una dimensione all'altra ed alterare gli eventi di ognuna.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 24 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 2,861 (more information on website)


Fox MulderDavid Duchovny
Dana ScullyGillian Anderson
John DoggettRobert Patrick
Monica ReyesAnnabeth Gish

Guest Stars

Brad FollmerCary Elwes
Agent RiceGil Colon
Mrs. LukeshAngela Paton
Dr. KimMing Lo
Erwin Timothy LukeshDylan Haggerty


DirectingDirectorTony Wharmby