Chicago Fire · Episode 9x12 'Natural Born Firefighter'

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While Mouch makes an incredible save, all eyes are on a mystery man who helped save his neighbor. Casey worries about his future at the CFD.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Mouch rettet eine Person aus einer schier hoffnungslosen Lage. Danach richtet sich die Aufmerksamkeit aber nicht auf ihn, sondern auf einen mysteriösen Mann, der bei der Rettung seines Nachbarn half.

France French (Français)

Pompier dans le sang

Alors que Mouch réalise un incroyable sauvetage, tous les yeux sont tournés vers un homme mystérieux qui a aidé à sauver son voisin. Casey s'inquiète pour son avenir chez les pompiers.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un vigile del fuoco nato

Mentre Mouch è l'autore di un'incredibile operazione di salvataggio, Casey è vivamente preoccupato per il suo futuro al Dipartimento di Chicago.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 286 (more information on website)


Kelly SeverideTaylor Kinney
Matthew 'Matt' CaseyJesse Spencer
Christopher HerrmannDavid Eigenberg
Joe CruzJoe Miñoso
Randy 'Mouch' McHollandChristian Stolte
Stella KiddMiranda Rae Mayo
Darren RitterDaniel Kyri
Sylvie BrettKara Killmer
Wallace BodenEamonn Walker
Blake GalloAlberto Rosende

Guest Stars

Violet MikamiHanako Greensmith
Dr. CarmenJames Earl Jones II
SandraShariba Rivers
Radiology TechAlex Goodrich
DonAdam Benjamin
Sister BettyValerie Gorman
AmberKianna Rose
Arena ManagerAllison Sill
VincentAhmed T. Brooks
CarlaNicole Besa
Little GirlGianna Gennuso
DevonAlanna Lovely
Greg GraingerJon Ecker
TonyAnthony Ferraris
Mason LockeChris Mansa
DC Gloria HillJ. Nicole Brooks
Harold CappRandy Flagler


CameraDirector of PhotographyLisa Wiegand
DirectingDirectorEric Laneuville
EditingEditorChristine Yoon