Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 2x21 'Graansha'

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Goren and Eames enter the closed world of a thieving Irish Traveller clan when they investigate the death of a Ann Lawson, a probation officer who was run over three times after meeting a friend at the bar. They soon learn that Ann, a probation officer, had been involved with Malcolm Bryce, the father of Paul, one of her charges. It appears as though Ann is also very close with the thieving Irish Travellers they are investigating, determined to save a young girl from their style of life.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Sippe

Die Sozialarbeiterin Ann Lawson wird nach einem Streit mit einem Freund, dem Soziologie-Professor Malcolm Bryce, ermordet aufgefunden.

France French (Français)

Au nom de la tradition

La contrôleuse judiciaire Ann Lawson invite son ami Malcolm Bryce, professeur d'anthropologie, à une réunion familiale. Mais Malcolm se sent exclus par le clan des gitans irlandais. Un peu plus tard, tous deux se retrouvent dans un bar et finissent par se disputer. La nuit même, la jeune femme est découverte morte, écrasée par une voiture...

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 1 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Kyle DevlinWilliam Sadler
Malcolm BryceTom Noonan
Mike BillingsPeter Von Berg
Lane DevlinSally Murphy
Ann Devlin LawsonAngela Reed
Paul BryceJeremiah Miller
Aidan DevlinSean Patrick Reilly
Ted MorganDave Konig
Fiona DevlinKelly Singer
Evan DevlinBrendan O'Malley
Colin BrennanBernie Sheredy
Detective MeiselAdam Sietz
Janet BryceGayton Scott
Tanya McFaddenLyric Marie Benson
Trina DevlinTerry Donnelly
Marcia WolterJanelle Anne Robinson
Officer WallachMark Kachersky
LiamGreg O'Donovan
CarrollRon Megown
MattyJason Weston


DirectingDirectorDarnell Martin