Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 2x4 'Best Defense'

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The detectives follow the trail when an assistant district attorney confronts and kills a hired gunman following a series of death threats. They first suspect his wife, a prominent defense attorney, through a convict whose case was being prosecuted by the A.D.A. and the rumors of her romantic affairs. When they realise that there are cracks in their seemingly airtight case, Goren has to keep Carver in the dark about some details to prove his theory.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Bei Anruf Mord

Auf Staatsanwalt Peter Bonham sind angeblich mehrere erfolglose Mordanschläge verübt worden.

France French (Français)

Loi maritale

Un des assistants du procureur de la République abat un homme armé après avoir reçu des lettres de menaces...

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 410 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

JoJo MartinezCarlos Leon
A.D.A. Peter BonhamDavid Marshall Grant
Defense Attorney Linda BonhamSusan Floyd
Detective PondsJason Furlani
Artie KahnEdward Blanchard
Bill StantonJohn Boyle
Vince QuitorianoJim Bracchitta
Jerry SelwynT. Scott Cunningham
John AlfonzoJoe La Piana
Eddie WallaceChristopher Mann
Jay NowakSean McCourt
Suzie ValdezAura Vence
Rodney BrooksJason Weinberg
Mr. SanchezOrville Mendoza
Mrs. MartinezOlga Merediz
Allison SelwynMargaret Reed
Prison LibrarianLiberty Jean
LoriAnney Giobbe
Jailhouse AttorneyKeith Randolph Smith
Eric WaltersNashawn Kearse


DirectingDirectorGloria Muzio