Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 2x7 'Tomorrow'

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The detectives investigate a triple murder, including the son and daughter of a wealthy businessman, that occurred in his apartment. After investigating the childrens' stepmother (his second wife), they turn to a pair of nannies, one of whom works for the family. However, the detectives must reach back to the nannies' history as children, and a television soap opera, in order to better understand the motives for the crime.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Nanny

Als Bill Davenport mit seiner zweiten Frau Tina von einem Wochenendtrip nach Hause kommt, findet er dort seine erwachsene Tochter Amanda und Josh, den Mitbewohner seines Sohnes Rick, ermordet vor.

France French (Français)

Passé troublant

Père d'Amanda et de Rick, Bill Davenport vit dans un luxueux appartement avec sa compagne Tina ainsi qu'avec Sarah, la nurse des enfants. Rentrant chez lui après une sortie en ville, le couple découvre Amanda et Josh, un copain de Rick, sauvagement assassinés. Rick, de son côté, est introuvable...

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 1 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Hannah PriceMerritt Wever
Sarah EldonTammy Blanchard
Bill DavenportFrank Converse
Tina DavenportNoelle Beck
Marjorie WhildenMaddie Corman
Josh PhillipsAndy Powers
Ellen MontgomeryHeidi Dippold
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Court ClerkLes McDonough
Defense Attorney Stan ShatensteinSig Libowitz
Mr. EldonBrian Smiar
Rick DavenportJason Pendergraft
Detective MootyKen Abraham
Amanda DavenportSiri Baruc
Lucy DavenportEmma Lesser
Jinny CantoMartha Millan
Judge PalladinoSteven Randazzo
Elizabeth CarrMarisa Redanty
Mrs. EldonSloane Shelton
Judith McNallySuzanne Hevner
ShariLiz Rebert
AbbyChloe Vedder


DirectingDirectorDon Scardino