Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 4x20 'No Exit'

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When five young people are found dead by the tracks, Goren and Eames initially write them off as a suicide until their investigation reveals that one of the victims, Carmine Ruggiero, had no desire to be part of a suicide pact. Although initially they begin looking into a website that gives instructions on how to committ suicide, their investigation leads them to the unsolved suicide of Edie Elverson, one of Ruggiero's co-workers, whom he had once testifed against in a harrassment suit. Goren soon realises that another of the company's employees, Hubert Skoller, is trying very hard to push them to an answer.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Letzter Ausweg

Der junge Carmine freut sich auf eine aufregende Party, zu der er sich mit vier Fremden verabredet hat. Doch die Party endet tödlich.

France French (Français)

Suicide : mode d'emploi

Lorsque cinq jeunes gens sont retrouvés morts sur une voie ferrée, les détectives Goren et Eames évoquent l'hypothèse d'un suicide collectif jusqu'à ce qu'ils découvrent que Carmine Ruggiero, l'une des victimes, n'avait aucune envie de mettre fin à ses jours. Ils apprennent également l'existence d'un site Internet montrant toutes les diverses façons de se suicider...

First Aired
TMDb 73% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 299 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Leonard TimmonsDarrell Hammond
Mr. SmytheJason Antoon
Mrs. ElversonSusan Bigelow
Hubert SkollerArye Gross
Frank ElversonPatrick Husted
Dr. BachanAlok Tewari
Valerie SkollerTara Greenway
Eugenie CrawfordLynn-Marie Stetson
Nicholas RojakisJames Nardella
Carmine RuggieroDavid Jenkins
Wes RichmondZach Wegner
Drew EsterhausRandy Ryan
Donna CrawfordLeslie Denniston
Jack CrawfordPaul Harman
Annie RuggerioKatie Corrado
Sylvie SkollerStella Maeve
Fire Chief AbruzoEd Hodson
KesslerRedman Maxfield
Timmons' AttorneyFrank Girardeau
DuganSteve Brady
ClementeCedric Turner
RosellaHeather Simms
Grand JurorBrent Langdon
SammyRicardo Maldonado
CyrusJeff Binder
Sherita DelgadoSherita Delgado
SteveSam Rosen


DirectingDirectorJean de Segonzac