Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 9x4 'Delicate'

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The detectives find themselves in the cutthroat world of professional ballet as they investigate the murder of the star ballerina at a conservatory.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die tote Tänzerin

France French (Français)

Ballet noir

La mort d'une jeune et talentueuse danseuse mène la police à enquêter sur un camarade de classe, souffrant de problèmes mentaux, proche d'une autre danseuse, souffre douleur de la victime.

First Aired
TMDb 65% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 74% · 277 (more information on website)

Guest Stars

Zach NicholsJeff Goldblum
Serena StevensSaffron Burrows
Jessalyn KerrMelissa Benoist
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Paulette BartolVivien Cardone
Zoe CallasMary Elizabeth Mastrantonio
Detective GearhardtDamon Gupton
Ethan JohnsLorenzo Pisoni
Mrs. KerrKelly Deadmon
Mr. KerrChristopher Durham
Alona LandauLindsey Sinclair
RileyAlexandra Metz
Frances BartolAllison Daugherty Smith
Cole MulgraveSamuel Smith
Dominic LatruscoFrank Liotti
PianistGloria Makino