NCIS · Episode 1x4 'The Immortals'

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The NCIS team investigates when a seaman's body is found at the bottom of the sea in his dress whites, with a ceremonial sword. They discover that he was addicted to a MMORPG. Now, the team must figure out how involved he was in the game and how far he would go to get revenge on his arch enemy, another sailor.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Unsterblichen

Seaman MacDonald, ein Besatzungsmitglied des Zerstörers U.S.S. Foster, wird tot am Meeresboden gefunden. Die Todesursache ist genauso obskur wie der ganze Fall: Das Opfer war mit Eisenketten und Gewichten um den Körper beschwert im Meer ertrunken. Langsam gerät das NCIS-Team in eine Welt zwischen Fantasie und Realität, denn das Opfer und ein anderes Besatzungsmitglied lieferten sich einen erbitterten Krieg bei einem Computerspiel.

France French (Français)

Les immortels

En plongeant dans la mer, un jeune plongeur découvre le corps d'un marin habillé en tenue de cérémonie, et arborant une étrange épée. Lors de l'enquête menée par l'équipe du NCIS, ils ne tardent pas à découvrir que le jeune marin, Russel McDonald, faisait partie d'un cercle d'adeptes de jeux de rôles.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Gli immortali

Il team NCIS viene chiamato a investigare sul ritrovamento sul fondo dell'oceano di un giovane marinaio in alta uniforme, con tanto di spada cerimoniale. Presto scoprono che il giovane era fissato con un gioco di ruolo in stile “Wizards and Warriors” e così devono capire quanto avanti si spingeva la sua ossessione con li gioco e fino a dove sarebbe stato disposto ad arrivare per vendicarsi del suo arcinemico, un altro marinaio suo collega.

First Aired
TMDb 76% · 12 (more information on website)
IMDb 73% · 1,155 (more information on website)


Leroy Jethro GibbsMark Harmon
Tony DiNozzoMichael Weatherly
Caitlin ToddSasha Alexander
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' MallardDavid McCallum
Abby SciutoPauley Perrette

Guest Stars

Petty Officer Ronald ZugerJulian Bailey
Commander RiversMark Sivertsen
Lieutenant ReynoldsKieran Mulroney
RobbinsDavid Andriole
Mrs. MacDonaldBrooks Almy
Medical CorpsmanElizabeth Morehead
Exchange ClerkYvonne Delarosa
MorrisEamon Hunt
Ensign RayColin Bain
CarnahanBradley Snedeker
BradJeff Peterson
KyleMichael McLafferty
LisaJeni C. Wilson
Russell MacDonaldChad W. Murray
Petty Officer Murray (uncredited)Casey Nelson
Ricky (uncredited)Nina Alexander


CameraDirector of PhotographyWilliam Webb
DirectingDirectorAlan J. Levi
EditingEditorStephen Michael
ProductionCo-Executive ProducerChas. Floyd Johnson
Gil Grant
Mark Horowitz
Consulting ProducerPhilip DeGuere Jr.
Coordinating ProducerJulie B. Watson
Executive ProducerDonald P. Bellisario
ProducerAvery C. Drewe
David Bellisario
Jeff Vlaming
Mark R. Schilz
Steven D. Binder
Supervising ProducerDon McGill
Doris Egan
SoundOriginal Music ComposerJoseph Conlan