NCIS · Episode 11x22 'Shooter'

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When a Marine photographer disappears prior to providing his testimony in an Army court-martial hearing, the NCIS team investigates both the murder he witnessed as well as his current piece on military veterans who are homeless in the D.C. area. Meanwhile, Abby tries to help a young homeless woman reconnect with her family.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Ein Marine-Fotograf ist verschwunden, kurz bevor er vor einem Militärgericht über einen Mord in Afghanistan aussagen sollte. Als man seine Leiche findet, sieht alles danach aus, als sei er an einer Überdosis gestorben.

France French (Français)

Un photographe de la Marine disparaît alors qu'il devait témoigner devant la cour martiale. L'équipe du NCIS enquête sur l'assassinat dont il a été témoin en Afghanistan ainsi que sur son dernier reportage sur les anciens combattants sans-abri dans Washington et ses environs. Au domicile du photographe, DiNozzo et Bishop trouvent une lettre de menace ainsi qu'une seringue contenant de l'héroïne.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Senza tetto

Quando un marine fotografo scompare, la squadra indaga sia sull'omicidio di cui è stato testimone, sia sul suo pezzo sui veterani militari che sono senza casa nella zona di Washington.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Leroy Jethro GibbsMark Harmon
Timothy McGeeSean Murray
Tony DiNozzoMichael Weatherly
Jimmy PalmerBrian Dietzen
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' MallardDavid McCallum
Abby SciutoPauley Perrette
Leon VanceRocky Carroll

Guest Stars

Ellie BishopEmily Wickersham
Chad HendricksJeff Branson
Lorne DavisCharlie Schlatter
Richard HugginsCraig Parker
Graham NovakMatthew Arkin
Michael WatersWalter Perez
Emma CarterChloe Lanier
LandlordDean Cameron
Homeless ManDavid Mattey
Belinda CarterBlake Lindsley


DirectingDirectorDennis Smith