NCIS · Episode 12x3 'So It Goes'
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Flashbacks into his past help tell the tale for Dr. Mallard as he and Bishop travel to England in search of answers to find out why an Englishman murdered in the United States would have a list of deceased Navy men on his person.
German (Deutsch)
Bei der Explosion einer Autobombe stirbt Samuel Colpepper. Er hatte brisante Dossiers über Navy-Offiziere bei sich. Wie sich herausstellt, war er der Angestellte von Duckys Jugendfreund Angus Clarke. Bishop und Ducky reisen nach London, um ihn zu befragen.
French (Français)
L'agent spécial Bishop et Ducky se rendent à Londres pour s'entretenir avec la famille et les collègues d'un ami de Ducky, dont le nom apparaît dans une affaire complexe...
Italian (Italiano)
Un'auto viene centrata in pieno da un razzo. La squadra di Gibbs viene chiamata ad investigare, poiché sul luogo dell'esplosione viene trovata una cassetta con dei documenti riguardanti le strane morti di alcuni marines. Si scopre, anche, che un vecchio amico del dottor Mallard sembra implicato nella faccenda. Alla fine il team risolve il caso, smantellando un'organizzazione albanese dedicata al contrabbando di armi.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 75% · 4 (more information on website)
- IMDb 84% · 825 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Leroy Jethro Gibbs | Mark Harmon |
Timothy McGee | Sean Murray |
Tony DiNozzo | Michael Weatherly |
Jimmy Palmer | Brian Dietzen |
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard | David McCallum |
Abby Sciuto | Pauley Perrette |
Ellie Bishop | Emily Wickersham |
Leon Vance | Rocky Carroll |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Maggie Clarke | Alice Krige |
Young Donald Mallard | Adam Campbell |
Young Angus Clarke | Adam Croasdell |
Young Maggie | Hannah Marshall |
Gareth Godfrey | Matt Burns |
Peter Velo | Alastair Duncan |
Eddie Kowolski | Glenn Taranto |
Navy Commander Zachary Bucket | Cleo Anthony |
Ramandi | Nicholas Massouh |
Gentleman / Samuel Colpepper | Peter Elbling |
Vendor | Simon James |
Young Woman | Dustin Quick |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Leslie Libman |
Writing | Writer | Steven D. Binder |