NCIS · Episode 14x20 'A Bowl of Cherries'
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A vice admiral tasks McGee with tracking down the hackers who infected his laptop with ransomware before the virus wipes out all his data. The cyberterrorism escalates when the virus spreads to the whole NCIS office. Quinn's family secret is revealed.
German (Deutsch)
Ein Computervirus legt die Rechner und Smartphones des NCIS lahm. Erst, wenn ein Lösegeld gezahlt wird, gibt der Absender des Virus die Geräte wieder frei.
French (Français)
Après que l'ordinateur d'un vice-amiral est infecté par un logiciel de rançon, il enrôle McGee et l'équipe du NCIS pour retrouver le hacker avant que le virus élimine ses dossiers personnels et professionnels. Pendant ce temps, Alex prend des congés pour aider sa mère, Marie Quinn, après avoir reçu un SMS contenant un code d'appel à l'aide.
Italian (Italiano)
Un ammiraglio chiede l’aiuto di McGee poiché il suo laptop è stato infettato da un potente ramsonware. Quando anche i telefonini della squadra diventano vittima del virus, Il direttore Vance decide che è ora di trovare l’hacker responsabile. Nel frattempo Quinn ha problemi con la madre, affetta dal morbo di Alzheimer.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 80% · 6 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 516 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Leroy Jethro Gibbs | Mark Harmon |
Timothy McGee | Sean Murray |
Nick Torres | Wilmer Valderrama |
Jimmy Palmer | Brian Dietzen |
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard | David McCallum |
Abby Sciuto | Pauley Perrette |
Ellie Bishop | Emily Wickersham |
Clayton Reeves | Duane Henry |
Alex Quinn | Jennifer Esposito |
Leon Vance | Rocky Carroll |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
C. Clifford Chase | Bruce Boxleitner |
Reese Goldman | Raychel Diane Weiner |
Target Range Master | Tim Scanlon |
Marie Quinn | Mercedes Ruehl |
Allison Asher | Erica Luttrell |
Buzz | Brent Briscoe |
Carlo Hackett | Michael Drayer |
Clint Asher | Philip Smithey |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Edward Ornelas |
Writing | Writer | Brendan Fehily |