NCIS · Episode 19x10 'Pledge of Allegiance'

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NCIS is called in when Navy Chief Warrant Officer Rafi Nazar is suspected of trying to sell stolen classified Navy software used to pilot combat drones.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Soldat und das Mädchen

Der NCIS wird hinzugezogen, als Navy Chief Warrant Officer Rafi Nazar verdächtigt wird, gestohlene geheime Navy-Software zu verkaufen, die zur Steuerung von Kampfdrohnen verwendet wird.

France French (Français)

Le Patriote

Le NCIS est appelé lorsque l’adjudant-chef Rafi Nazar est soupçonné d’avoir tenté de vendre des logiciels secrets de la Navy utilisés pour piloter des drones de combat.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Giuramento di fedeltà

Rafi Nazar, sottufficiale capo della Marina, di origine afghana, scappa perché ritenuto responsabile del furto di un software top secret. La squadra sospetta che voglia venderlo ai Talebani.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 75% · 445 (more information on website)


Leroy Jethro GibbsMark Harmon
Timothy McGeeSean Murray
Nick TorresWilmer Valderrama
Jessica KnightKatrina Law
Jimmy PalmerBrian Dietzen
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' MallardDavid McCallum
Leon VanceRocky Carroll
Kasie HinesDiona Reasonover

Guest Stars

Alden ParkerGary Cole
Kay BarlowAmanda Schull
Rafi NazarArtur Zai Barrera
Mike NovaskiShawn Patrick Clifford
Another Woman on VideoconferenceCrystal Rivers
Captain Oliver RoyceKenajuan Bentley
Woman on VideoconferenceJean St. James
SRT #1Daniel Curtis Lee
Maria SantiagoLisandra Tena
Tariq DotaniTarek Bishara
Hattie TaylorDenise Crosby


DirectingDirectorRocky Carroll