NCIS · Episode 19x7 'Docked'

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NCIS investigates the death of a man on a cruise ship whose body is discovered in the ship's sauna by none other than McGee's mother-in-law, Judy.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Der NCIS untersucht den Tod eines Mannes auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff, dessen Leiche in der Sauna des Schiffes von niemand anderem als McGees Schwiegermutter Judy entdeckt wird.

France French (Français)

Croisière d'enfer

Le NCIS enquête sur la mort d’un homme sur un bateau de croisière dont le corps a été découvert dans le sauna du bateau par la belle-mère de McGee, Judy.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Crociera di morte

L’NCIS sta indagando sulla morte di un uomo su una nave da crociera il cui corpo e' stato trovato nella sauna della nave nientemeno che dalla suocera di McGee, Judy.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 556 (more information on website)


Leroy Jethro GibbsMark Harmon
Timothy McGeeSean Murray
Nick TorresWilmer Valderrama
Jessica KnightKatrina Law
Jimmy PalmerBrian Dietzen
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' MallardDavid McCallum
Leon VanceRocky Carroll
Kasie HinesDiona Reasonover

Guest Stars

Alden ParkerGary Cole
Delilah FieldingMargo Harshman
Carson GrangerGilbert Glenn Brown
HaroldTom Yi
Christopher BlazeAdam Hollick
Noah FinchChris Agos
Judy Price FieldingPatricia Richardson


DirectingDirectorMichael Zinberg