That '70s Show · Episode 5x10 'The Crunge'

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The S.A.T. scores have come in and everyone does significantly better than Eric. He's particularly upset by Donna's high score and blames her for distracting him during the exam. As a result, Eric enlists Red to help him buckle down and stay away from Donna until he retakes the test. Meanwhile, Kelso discovers that he may have a bright future and Jackie pushes Hyde towards a college career.

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Une mauvaise note

Toute la bande a eu ses résultats au test d'examen d'entrée à l'université et les bonnes notes de Donna ainsi que de tous les autres complexent Eric. Red convainc alors son fils de s'atteler au travail et de repasser le test. Pendant ce temps, Kelso découvre qu'il peut avoir un belle destinée et Jackie encourage Steven à suivre une carrière universitaire.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Eric FormanTopher Grace
Jackie BurkhartMila Kunis
Michael KelsoAshton Kutcher
Steven HydeDanny Masterson
Donna PinciottiLaura Prepon
FezWilmer Valderrama
Kitty FormanDebra Jo Rupp
Red FormanKurtwood Smith
Bob PinciottiDon Stark


DirectingDirectorDavid Trainer