That '70s Show · Episode 5x18 'Hey, Hey What Can I Do'

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Everyone has their own reasons for going to the job fair. Eric needs a full-time job now that Red refuses to pay for college. The Photo Hut is closed, so Hyde's looking for work too. Fez wants to make out with Nina at the DMV booth while "Hot Donna" will be signing autographs at the radio station's booth. And after failing to flirt his way out of a parking ticket, Kelso fears that his good looks will fade and that he'll need a practical job like other 'uggos'.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Jobbörse

France French (Français)

Un emploi pour Eric

La bande se rend à un salon pour l'emploi. Eric est bien déterminé à trouver un travail dans la mesure où son père refuse de lui payer l'inscription à l'université. Quant à Kelso, il explore la possibilité de faire carrière dans le droit.

First Aired
TMDb 77% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Eric FormanTopher Grace
Jackie BurkhartMila Kunis
Michael KelsoAshton Kutcher
Steven HydeDanny Masterson
Donna PinciottiLaura Prepon
FezWilmer Valderrama
Kitty FormanDebra Jo Rupp
Red FormanKurtwood Smith
Bob PinciottiDon Stark

Guest Stars

RobberRon Roggé
RoyJim Gaffigan
Transportation RepChristopher Darga
Bank RepJerry Lambert
Officer DebbieLeigh-Allyn Baker
Vet RepJerry Hauck
Olafsen RepJim Holmes
Meat RepTom Allard
Bikini Clad GirlAshley Yegan
NinaJoanna Canton


DirectingDirectorDavid Trainer