That '70s Show · Episode 7x4 'Beast of Burden'

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Red's new muffler shop is about to open and he asks Hyde to work for him. This really offends Eric since the shop is called "Forman & Son" and Red didn't even think to ask him. But Hyde has his own dilemma when his dad offers him a job at his record company. Fez is also on a job hunt after quitting the DMV, so Donna helps him apply for work as a shampoo boy.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Magische Hände

France French (Français)

Chacun son boulot !

Hyde se retrouve tiraillé entre deux propositions lorsque Red et William lui offrent chacun une place dans leur magasin. Eric se sent trahi par son père car le magasin de Red s'appelle "Forman et Fils". Par chance, Hyde accepte d'aller travailler avec son père, mais Eric change d'avis parce qu'il se souvient qu'il est en pleine année sabbatique. Pendant ce temps, Donna aide Fez qui postule pour un travail de "shampouineur" dans un salon de coiffure.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Eric FormanTopher Grace
Jackie BurkhartMila Kunis
Michael KelsoAshton Kutcher
Steven HydeDanny Masterson
Donna PinciottiLaura Prepon
FezWilmer Valderrama
Kitty FormanDebra Jo Rupp
Red FormanKurtwood Smith
Bob PinciottiDon Stark

Guest Stars

Midge PinciottiTanya Roberts
Longhaired GuyChristopher Khayman Lee
William BarnettTim Reid
JeriLisa Arning
Girl #1Rachel Style
Girl #2Melissa Reneé Martin


DirectingDirectorDavid Trainer