Love · Episode 2x3 'While You Were Sleeping'

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Mickey tries to help her work buddy Truman out of a sticky situation, and an on-set accident rattles the "Witchita" cast and crew.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Während du schliefst

Mickey will ihrem Arbeitskollegen Truman in einer heiklen Situation helfen. Ein Unfall am Set verunsichert die Besetzung und Filmcrew von "Witchita"

France French (Français)

Pendant que tu dormais

Mickey essaie de sortir Truman, son collègue de travail, d'une situation délicate. Un accident sur le tournage de Witchita secoue acteurs et techniciens.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

E tu dormivi

Mickey cerca di aiutare il suo amico Truman a uscire da una spiacevole situazione, mentre un incidente sul set di "Witchita" crea scompiglio fra attori e troupe.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Mickey DobbsGillian Jacobs
Gus CruikshankPaul Rust
Bertie BauerClaudia O'Doherty

Guest Stars

Dr. Greg ColterBrett Gelman