Love · Episode 2x6 'Forced Hiatus'

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Big news on the "Witchita" set leaves Gus caught in the middle of a family dispute over Arya's future. Mickey grows suspicious of Randy's motives.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Eine erzwungene Auszeit

Am Set von "Witchita" gibt es große Neuigkeiten. Gus wird in einen Familienstreit über Aryas Zukunft verwickelt. Mickey zweifelt an Randys Beweggründen.

France French (Français)

Pause forcée

Des nouvelles fracassantes pour le tournage de Witchita propulsent Gus au centre d'une dispute familiale sur l'avenir d'Arya. Mickey se méfie des intentions de Randy.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Interruzione forzata

Ci sono grandi notizie sul set di "Witchita" e Gus resta coinvolto in una lite familiare sul futuro di Arya. Mickey nutre sospetti sulle ragioni di Randy.

First Aired
TMDb 76% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Mickey DobbsGillian Jacobs
Gus CruikshankPaul Rust
Bertie BauerClaudia O'Doherty

Guest Stars

Steven HopkinsDavid Spade