Love · Episode 3x11 'Anniversary Party'

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Gus scrambles to stop Mickey from skipping town before his parents' party. But the day only yields more embarrassing revelations about his past.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Gus versucht händeringend, Mickey davon abzuhalten, die Stadt vor der elterlichen Party zu verlassen. Doch der Tag beschert ihm nur weitere peinliche Enthüllungen.

France French (Français)

La fête

Gus fait tout pour empêcher Mickey de déguerpir avant la fête de ses parents, mais plus ça va, plus les révélations embarrassantes sur son passé s'accumulent.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Festa di anniversario

Gus fa l'impossibile per impedire a Mickey di andarsene prima della festa dei genitori, ma la giornata gli riserva nuove rivelazioni imbarazzanti sul suo passato.

First Aired
TMDb 88% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Mickey DobbsGillian Jacobs
Gus CruikshankPaul Rust
Chris CzajkowskiChris Witaske
Bertie BauerClaudia O'Doherty

Guest Stars

NinaViolet McGraw