Supergirl · Episode 2x4 'Survivors'
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When Kara and Alex investigate the murder of an unregistered alien, the trail leads to an alien fight club run by Roulette, the ringmaster who commands aliens to fight in mortal combat for the entertainment of rich humans. While trying to stop the fighting, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter find themselves up against a surprising opponent. Meanwhile, Hank is thrilled to have found another Martian and tries to get to know M'Gann better. Supergirl takes Mon-El under her wing and begins to train him.
German (Deutsch)
Kara und Alex ermitteln in einem Mordfall eines Syvillianers, der Opfer illegaler Alien-Kämpfe wurde. Die Spur führt die beiden undercover in den Untergrund-Alien-Fight-Club, dessen Betreiberin Veronica Sinclair ist – besser bekannt als „Roulette“. Dort treffen sie auf M’gann, die als Kämpferin antritt …
French (Français)
Kara et Alex enquêtent sur le meurtre d’un extraterrestre non enregistré ; et la piste les mène à un club de combat dirigé par Roulette, le maître du jeu qui commande à des extraterrestres de lutter jusqu’à la mort pour divertir de riches humains. Tout en essayant d’arrêter les combats, Supergirl et Martian Manhunter se retrouvent face à un adversaire surprenant. Pendant ce temps, Hank est ravi d’avoir trouvé un autre martien et essaye de connaître mieux M’Gann. Supergirl prend Mon-El sous son aile et commence à l’entraîner.
Italian (Italiano)
Kara e gli altri cercano di fermare un ring clandestino di lotta tra alieni; Kara capisce che Mon-El ha bisogno di una famiglia con cui imparare a vivere sulla Terra e si offre di ospitarlo a casa sua. Intanto J'onn vorrebbe instaurare un collegamento mentale con M'gann, ma si scopre che lei non è chi dice di essere...
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 68% · 24 (more information on website)
- IMDb 76% · 2,304 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Kara Danvers / Supergirl / Kara Zor-El | Melissa Benoist |
Alex Danvers / Sentinel | Chyler Leigh |
J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter | David Harewood |
Maggie Sawyer | Floriana Lima |
Mon-El | Chris Wood |
Winn Schott | Jeremy Jordan |
James 'Jimmy' Olsen / Guardian | Mehcad Brooks |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Lena Luthor | Katie McGrath |
Alura Zor-El | Laura Benanti |
Snapper Carr | Ian Gomez |
Veronica Sinclair / Roulette | Dichen Lachman |
Quill | Ian Casselberry |
Draaga | John DeSantis |
Receptionist | Stephi Chin-Salvo |
Maggie's Girlfriend | Shauna Haracka |
M'gann M'orzz | Sharon Leal |
Mummy Bro | Harrison MacDonald |
Werewolf Bro | Dan Willows |
Buzzcut Merc | Terry Mullett |
Prince of Daxam | Ben Sullivan |
Fish Head | Robert Zen Humpage |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | James Marshall |
Writing | Writer | Paula Yoo |