TV Show 'Ivalo' (Arctic Circle) 3 Seasons

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During a routine search of an old cabin in the remote and wintery back country, Finnish policewoman, Nina Kautsalo, discovers two dead prostitutes, with a third still fighting for her life. The ensuing investigation takes a surprise twist when an extremely rare and deadly virus is discovered in the surviving woman’s bloodwork. When the Finnish Bureau of Investigation takes over the case, German virologist, Thomas Lorenz is called in to assist in identifying and containing the virus. Set within the endless white expanse of the arctic circle, Nina and Thomas must rely on each other to have any hope of saving the ones they love. But what takes precedence? A deadly virus or an active serial killer?

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Arctic Circle

Germany German (Deutsch)

Arctic Circle - Der unsichtbare Tod

Inmitten der eisigen Landschaft Lapplands findet die finnische Polizistin Nina Kautsalo eine halbtote Prostituierte auf. Als ein tödliches Virus in der Blutprobe der Frau entdeckt wird, nimmt die Kriminaluntersuchung eine überraschende Wendung. Um das Virus zu untersuchen, reist der deutsche Virologe Thomas Lorenz nach Lappland, finanziert von Marcus Eiben, Multimillionär und Vorstandsvorsitzender eines Pharmakonzerns. Alsbald finden sich Nina und Thomas in mitten einer äußerst ungewöhnlichen strafrechtlichen Untersuchung wieder.

France French (Français)

Aux confins de la Laponie, au milieu des paysages glaciaires finlandais. La policière, Nina Kautsalo, découvre une prostituée sur le point de mourir dans une cabane en pleine nature. L’enquête criminelle prend une toute autre tournure lorsque que l’on découvre que la victime est porteuse d’un virus mortel. Thomas Lorenz, un virologue allemand, se rend en Laponie afin d’y étudier le virus. Nina et Thomas se retrouvent alors au cœur d’une enquête criminelle extrêmement inhabituelle qui va les entraîner au-dessus des lois.

Returning Series
Episode Runtimes
crime investigation
nordic noir
Finnish (suomi)
German (Deutsch)
Origin Countries
flag of Finland Finland
Production Countries
flag of Finland Finland
flag of Germany Germany
Production Companies
Finland Yellow Film & TV
Germany Bavaria Fiction
Germany Bavaria Film
Finland Elisa Viihde Viaplay
Finland Elisa Viihde
Finland Ruutu
Content Ratings / Classifications
United States of America NR
Switzerland 16
Germany 16
Austria 16
TMDb 61% · 52 (more information on website)
IMDb 69% · 2,988 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 110
Season 2Nina Kautsalo has moved to Rovaniemi in northern Finland, where her daughter has started special school and her mother is undergoing cancer treatment. Nina joins a new Finnish-Russian police team and is partnered with the mysterious Viktor. A new investigation leads them to Murmansk on the trail of a mysterious hunting club. The case also involves an unsolved old murder whose prime suspect has disappeared.6
Season 3Nina Kautsalo returns to Ivalo, where she starts investigating the murder of a local pharmacist as chief of police. Meanwhile, an attempt is made to hijack a top-secret test car. Soon the murder investigation led by Nina also points in the direction of the international car business.6


Nina KautsaloIina Kuustonen
Marita KautsaloPihla Viitala
Venla KautsaloVenla Ronkainen
Alma HamariElena Leeve
Esko KangasniemiMikko Leppilampi
Rauno YlikorpiTaneli Mäkelä
Niilo Aikio, poliisiJanne Kataja

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