TV Show 'S.W.A.T.' 8 Seasons

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Serve • Protect • Unite

A locally born and bred S.W.A.T. lieutenant is torn between loyalty to the streets and duty to his fellow officers when he's tasked to run a highly-trained unit that's the last stop for solving crimes in Los Angeles.

Switzerland German (Deutsch)

In seiner Heimatstadt Los Angeles wird ein Sergeant beauftragt, eine Elite-Polizeitruppe zu leiten und tödliche Spannungen in seiner Community abzubauen.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Serie dreht sich um einen lokal verwurzelten S.W.A.T. Seargent, der im Spannungsfeld zwischen der Loyalität zur Straße und seinen polizeilichen Pflichten mit seinem trainierten Team die letzte Bastion der Verbrechensbekämpfung in Los Angeles darstellt.

Austria German (Deutsch)

In seiner Heimatstadt Los Angeles wird ein Sergeant beauftragt, eine Elite-Polizeitruppe zu leiten und tödliche Spannungen in seiner Community abzubauen.

France French (Français)

Un lieutenant du S.W.A.T est tiraillé entre sa loyauté envers ses origines modestes, dont ses amis de la rue avec qui il a grandi et qui n'ont pas aussi bien tourné que lui, et son devoir envers ses co-équipiers. Une dualité qui finit par prendre tout son sens lorsqu'il se voit chargé d'organiser une unité hautement qualifiée pour résoudre les crimes à Los Angeles.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un sergente S.W.A.T. della zona, l’ex Marine Daniel Harrelson, viene incaricato di dirigere un’unità tattica specializzata che rappresenta l’ultima tappa delle forze dell’ordine di Los Angeles, nella première di S.W.A.T. Diviso tra la lealtà per il luogo dove è cresciuto e la fedeltà ai suoi fratelli in blu, Hondo ha tutto ciò che serve per essere un leader eccellente e per fare da tramite tra i suoi due mondi.

Returning Series
Episode Runtimes
based on tv series
elite unit
first responders
los angeles, california
police procedural
police sergeant
police training
special response teams
tactical command unit
team leader
Action & Adventure
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Sony Pictures Television
United States of America CBS Studios
United States of America Perfect Storm Entertainment
United States of America CBS
Content Ratings / Classifications
United Kingdom 15
United States of America TV-14
Canada 14+
Australia MA 15+
Switzerland 16
Germany 16
Germany 12
Austria 16
France 12
TMDb 81% · 1,451 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 37,022 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 122
Season 223
Season 321
Season 4This season, a heartbreaking loss hits the team hard, and Hondo’s loyalties are tested once again when distrust grows within the community.18
Season 522
Season 622
Season 713
Season 817


Daniel 'Hondo' HarrelsonShemar Moore
David 'Deacon' KayJay Harrington
Victor TanDavid Lim
Robert 'Bob' HicksPatrick St. Esprit
Zoe PowellAnna Enger Ritch
Miguel AlfaroNiko Pepaj
Devin GambleAnnie Ilonzeh

Created by


CrewTransportation CoordinatorGlen Enzen