TV Show 'In Plain Sight' 5 Seasons

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Welcome to witness protection. Now get lost

U.S. Marshal Mary Shannon must hunt down witnesses for federal cases in the witness protection program while also managing a rather dysfunctional family and her own personal life.

Germany German (Deutsch)

In Plain Sight - In der Schusslinie

Mary arbeitet als Deputy US Marshal. Im Rahmen des US-Zeugenschutzprogramms ist es ihre Aufgabe, wichtige Zeugen der Justiz zu beschützen, ihnen zu neuen Identitäten zu verhelfen und sie vor möglichen Gefahren zu schützen. Unterstützt wird sie dabei von ihrem Kollegen Marshall Mann. Während Mary ihr eigenes Privatleben kaum im Griff hat, muss sie das Leben ihr fremder Menschen neu ordnen.

France French (Français)

U.S. Marshals, Protection de témoins
  • a.k.a. US marchal protection des témoins

L'agent Mary Shannon travaille dans le très secret programme de protection des témoins. Avec son équipe, elle se charge de protéger et de déplacer les témoins fédéraux, qu'ils soient victimes de ce qu'ils ont vu ou qu'ils aient derrière eux une carrière de criminels. Une chose est certaine : quelqu'un veut leur mort...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

In Plain Sight - Protezione testimoni

In Plain Sight racconta la storia di una agente federale della Protezione Testimoni (United States Federal Witness Protection Program) che deve nascondere il proprio lavoro, ad alto impatto di rischio, alla propria "disfunzionale" famiglia. Per quelli che la conoscono, Mary Shannon è una semplice agente delle forze dell'ordine che consegna mandati e fa servizio in tribunale, ma il suo vero lavoro è molto più pericoloso. Deve controllare testimoni federali che sono stati collocati nel programma Protezione Testimoni e assicurarsi della loro incolumità.

Episode Runtimes
albuquerque, new mexico
new mexico
secret government organization
u.s. marshal
witness protection
Action & Adventure
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America McNamara Paper Products
Pirates' Cove Entertainment
United States of America USA Network
Content Ratings / Classifications
United States of America TV-14
United States of America TV-PG
Germany 16
Germany 12
Germany 6
France 12
TMDb 70% · 91 (more information on website)
IMDb 74% · 13,023 (more information on website)


NumberOverview#EpisodesAir Date
Season 112
Season 215
Season 313
Season 413
Season 58


Mary ShannonMary McCormack
MarshalFrederick Weller
Brandi ShannonNichole Hiltz
Lesley Ann Warren
Todd Williams

Created by


DirectingSecond Second Assistant DirectorKevin Black
ProductionExecutive ProducerDavid Maples
Paul Stupin
ProducerOscar L. Costo