FBI · Episode 6x13 'Ring of Fire'

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The Somalian terrorist group behind the death of Agent Hobbs resurfaces, sending the team on a chase to take them down for good.

Germany German (Deutsch)


France French (Français)

Le revenant

Le groupe terroriste somalien à l'origine de la mort de l'agent Hobbs refait surface, entraînant l'équipe dans une course-poursuite pour l'éradiquer définitivement.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

L' anello di fuoco

Il gruppo terroristico somalo dietro la morte dell'agente Hobbs riemerge, mandando la squadra all'inseguimento per eliminarli definitivamente.

First Aired
TMDb 90% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Maggie BellMissy Peregrym
Omar Adom 'OA' ZidanZeeko Zaki
Stuart ScolaJohn Boyd
Tiffany WallaceKatherine Renee Kane
Jubal ValentineJeremy Sisto
Isobel CastilleAlana de la Garza

Guest Stars

SWAT Leader DanNate Richman
Elise TaylorVedette Lim
Kelly MoranTaylor Anthony Miller
Ian LimJames Chen
Trevor HobbsRoshawn Franklin
Hakim SiranAntwayn Hopper
CIA Agent Jack WagnerJim Conroy
Ella BlakeRose Decker
Jennifer HobbsAlexis Nichole Smith
Sarah JonesLauren LaStrada
Christine CollinsCaroline Vexler
Nicole AllenTaylor Valentine Lupini
Gabby BlakeAugusta Liv
Kevin BlakeJeremy Gabriel
Steven TuckerConor Romero
Luke ChandlerQuinn VanAntwerp
Adam GellerKen Perlstein
Bill SefakisTodd Etelson
DSS AgentAndy Talen
Abdi BashirWadi Jones
HasheemLex Daemon


DirectingDirectorAlex Chapple
EditingEditorEtienne Des Lauriers