FBI: Most Wanted · Episode 1x10 'Silkworm'

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After a former counter-intelligence officer is caught leaking classified information to a foreign government and attacks his former partners, the team must track him down before he escapes the country.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Ein früherer Geheimagent übergibt hochsensible Informationen an eine fremde Regierung. Außerdem attackiert er seine früheren Partner. Die FBI-Beamten müssen ihn ausfindig machen, bevor es ihm gelingt, das Land zu verlassen. (Text: RD)

France French (Français)

Coup double

Un ancien agent de la CIA est surpris en train de livrer des informations hautement sensibles au gouvernement chinois. L'Unité de Recherche se lance alors à sa poursuite pour le capturer avant qu'il ne quitte le pays…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il baco da seta

Dopo che un ex ufficiale del controspionaggio viene sorpreso a divulgare informazioni riservate a un governo straniero e attacca i suoi ex partner, la squadra deve rintracciarlo prima che fugga dal paese.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 4 (more information on website)
IMDb 72% · 323 (more information on website)


SSA Jess LaCroixJulian McMahon
Sheryll BarnesRoxy Sternberg
Hana GibsonKeisha Castle-Hughes
Kenny CrosbyKellan Lutz
Clinton SkyeNathaniel Arcand

Guest Stars

Natalia 'Tali' LaCroixYaYa Gosselin
Marilou SkyeIrene Bedard
Agent Kate TatumJennifer Brito


DirectingDirectorKen Girotti